Chapter 1

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"If we can observe the pattern in a series and are able to see the general term, we can write the series in Σ notation. For example, as you can see here, the general term is 2r because..."

I felt my eyelids droop but I fought to keep them open. Barely half an hour had passed but I was already maxed out. I nodded my head as my private Mathematics tutor, Ms Ritters droned on and on, not wanting to offend her. 

As per usual, my mind wondered away, thinking of all the wonderful things I could be doing rather than pretending to listen to a lecture on the summation series.

Vienna, my closest friend, had invited me to join her at an ice skating rink, but I reluctantly had to take a pass. How I wish I could skip this hour of utter nonsense to have some fun with her.

"Daydreaming again, Faye? Still so immature."

Another thing I didn't like about Ms Ritters - her condescendence. Plus, daydreaming has no correlation with maturity (in my books). Unfortunately, I cannot escape her, for no matter how much my parents earn, I'd hate to waste their money. 

Not that I had the option, after all, I'm the only student in the class. And I'd like to be grateful for the opportunities I had. I am an incredibly lucky girl, born into a family of noble elites.

Yet, sometimes, I wonder if I'd be happier if I wasn't. If I wasn't expected to be a noble elite. It is the unspoken verdict that the achievements of my father cannot merely be a lofty girl or a birthday wish. 

It's not just an expectation. It's a duty, an obligation.

"Look Faye, are you going to answer me or not?"

I jolted back into reality and blinked hard, the sigma notations like stars dancing around my brain. I pencilled down a working to the question at hand quickly before getting to my feet.

"My apologies, Ms Ritters. I am not feeling so well today, is it possible for us to stop here?" I requested as politely as possible.

"What if you got this question wrong?" Her lips were curled in a sickly sweet smile.

I paused before wordlessly sliding my notepad towards her. She put on her reading glasses and perused my scribble. After a few moments, she sighed and reluctantly penned a tick mark. It was my turn to return her sickly sweet smile in the same fashion. I gave a courteous bow, just to be safe, and left briskly.

Digging my hand into my back pocket, I fished out my phone to text Vienna.

Ice rink still on?

It was read immediately and in less than a second, three blinking dots appeared.


A pang of disappointed seared through my chest.

Join me @ the school badminton court!!
Exciting stuff here ;)

I wrinkled my nose. I wasn't a fan of watching sports, but I was desperate to escape the confines of the too perfect walls of the mansion.

And so I found myself locking the door behind me and descending the porch steps.


Welcome, dear reader, to Faye's world.
This first chapter is a really short intro of 500 words to my story, and I really do hope you enjoyed it enough to continue reading. 

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