Chapter 7

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I wanted to drop out. Really, really badly. Maybe become a farmer in Australia. Not saying being a farmer was easy, it's mighty tough work being one, but I just couldn't stand Organic Chemistry. The despair I felt looking at chiral carbons and enantiomers motivated my hands to dig into my bag for my secret chocolate stash. I needed a boost of dopamine.


The sound of my younger sister's high pitched voice rang through the air, and I hid the candy.

"Hey Lila!"

I gave her an adoring smile, when she appeared at my bedroom door frame with a wicked grin on her face. Oh no, that can't be good. That either means she pulled a prank or-

"Your boyfriend's here."

"God damnit," I swore under my breath.

She burst into a fit of giggles, only to earn a smack from me.

"Will that douchebag ever quit?" I sighed, getting up to my feet to shoo away the unwanted company.

I left the room and headed for curved marble staircase, peering over the banister to assess the situation. Cocky, arrogant jerk in full glory was already looking my way.


"What're you doing here?"

I squared up my shoulders to appear more domineering. Just because our fathers were business partners didn't mean he could come by any time. I mustered my most uninterested look, folding my arms impatiently once I had reached the landing.

"Faye Stone! How delightful to see you!"

James' oily smile looked so slappable.

"I can't say the same."

Hopefully, that was enough to convey that he was persona non grata.

"Damn Jamie, does she always do that to you?" A lighthearted chuckle travelled from seemingly the kitchen. I froze. Was that - ?

"Hey, Just Faye! You've got a magnificent house, I must say." Travis strolled into the hall with a bag of popcorn. My bag of popcorn.

"That rhymed," he added on, but I knew that he was referencing my lame response last time. Which reminded me of how his breath was on my ear...

"Just like last time. Which rhymes also."

Ok, he was taking this too far.

"And why are you here?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I assume you are not one to break promises." He made it sound like a question, and my cheeks flushed at that.

"Hold up. You guys know each other?" James was beyond dumbfounded.

"We are briefly acquainted. You haven't explained your presence," I snapped.

"I wouldn't call surrendering yourself as my slave to be briefly acquainted."

 I gasped. "Slave?"

"You said you'd do anything for me."

"You must have heard wrongly. I said no such thing," I feigned ignorance.

"Really? I remembered every single thing during our study date."

James was flabbergasted.


I'd never heard James sound so defeated before, and as much as I wanted to jump onto the table to announce it fake news, this was the biggest opportunity to rid James. His ego was greater than the size of the earth, but here, I found a crack.

"Yup, and she made me sweet little promises," Travis gloated, seeming to enjoy the bruised-ego-look on James' face. I could tell he was just teasing James, but it gave me a brilliant idea.

What a genius! Play the jealousy game!

Out of impulse, I gravitated towards Travis and hooked an arm around his. Before he could give me a questioning glance that would spoil my whole plan, I pretended to whisper.

"Can we just spend time together? You and me, alone," I drawled in a hushed tone, but loud enough for James to hear.

Travis stared at me, as though searching for something in my eyes. I gazed right back, sending a pleading look. Then, he smirked and set his popcorn - no, it was my popcorn- on the dining table. Shit, what was he going to say? 

"Sure, love."

I internally heaved a sigh of relief. He understood my plan. Thank heavens this boy had both high IQ and EQ.

Operation Exterminate James seemed to be going well. In contrast to his initial bravado, he was fidgety and confused.

"Sorry man, you mind leaving?" Travis cocked his head towards James.

"But... but I was the one who brought you here!" James spluttered.

"Jesus, I didn't take you to be a voyeur," Travis said, feigning shock.

Mortified to the core, I smacked Travis' bulky arm. He flinched, and I realised I hit his blue black for the third time.

"Stop hitting on me!"

"I hit you! 'Hit on' has a different meaning!" I squeaked.

"Exactly why I said it!"

Travis rolled his sleeve up, revealing the purplish bruise that was beginning to yellow. Though it looked worse with the yellow mixing, it was a good sign. It was healing.

"You hit the same spot all the time," he complained, but his pouty expression suddenly morphed into mischief. Uh-oh.

"Is it because I always hit the right spots too?" he teased devilishly.

Right before I could kick him (since I had to refrain from hitting his upper body), James cleared his throat.

"I'll get going," he announced, barely making eye contact.

"Finally, Faye and I can have fun."

The door slammed right after that.

hehehhehee ;)
At this stage, there are literally 15 views and all of them are my own. Hope that my story will be seen someday!! 

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