Living With The Enemy!

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Chapter 1

I crank up the radio, which is tuned to my absolutely favourite station. Katy Perry's belting out the words to the new number one worldwide hit. My head bobs in sync with the music. It's about seven in the morning. A Monday morning. Even Katy Perry music isn't doing much to me.

I can hear mum and dad talking downstairs. Mums making coffee and dad, as usual, has his eyes stuck to the newspaper. "Leyla, honey, come down!" I hear mum screech.

I quickly brush my teeth in a record time and rush downstairs. It isn't a good idea to get mum mad in the morning. In fact, it isn't a good idea to get mum mad ever.


Mum doesn't look happy. Dad looks plain uncomfortable. He shoots me an -I really can't do anything about it look". I squint my eyes, looking accusingly at dad. What is up with them?

Mum slides a bowl of fruits towards me. " Eat up", she says.

I put my hands on my hips. "What is up with you Guys and all this weirdness!? Spill it out already!"

Mum doesn't respond. When dad starts to day something, she just cuts him with a frosty eyed glare. Let me tell you, her glares can even shut up -he who must not be named-.

" Fine! Be this way," I tell them, "But I need an explanation after I dress up for school".

I head upstairs and quickly shower. Hmm. What to wear? I don't have cheer leading practice today so I don't really need to wear tights. I pull out my sky blue lace shorts and a neon orange top to match. They look cute together.

Just then my phone buzzes. It's Leah's message, she's my best friend.

OMG. I can't believe it! How could you not tell me? You SO owe me! SPILL!

Leah. XX

Okay, so what is up with that? I shake my head, I'll deal with Leah later. I head downstairs to find my dad in deep conversation with my mother.

"She's only seventeen for god's sake Mary, do you know how dangerous it i-"

"Exactly!", my mother responds. "She's SEVENTEEN. She's mature enough to take care of herself! We did not spend seventeen years of our lives raising up a brat. She's responsible okay? You need to stop thinking of her as a baby. She can hold her own."

"You guys, what's going on". My voice is cold. They're talking about me.

My mother takes in a deep breath.

" Leyla there's something we need to tell you", mum says. "Dad and I need to go to Australia today. Your gramps is sick. She needs someone to be there got her surgery. I've already taken an off from work and you're dads going to take all his paperwork along with him to Australia".

"Oh god". My voice is barely over a whisper. "Is he alright? God, I'll start packing. Do I have to pack for a month?"

"Hold it right there hon", my mums voice brings me back to reality. "You can't go. What about school? Aren't your exams coming up? You just can't leave like-"

"Yeah, but they're nothing compared to gramps Health! He needs me right now! And I need to support him".

"Honey, your dad and I have already discussed this. You're not coming with up to Australia. You'll be staying over at the Anderson's. I've already spoken to Rosie about it, and she was more than happy to take you in. We'll be back in three weeks. You might want to start packing."

What. What. WHAT? This can't be happening. Is it April 1st or something? Or am I a part of God's personal joke? I CANNOT, -emphasis on cannot- move in with the Anderson's. No. Freaking. Way.

Not with Chase around.

"Mum you know Chase and I don't get along! Can't I stay with Leah instead?" I plead. I'm giving it everything I have. My puppy face. It's so innocent. She has to melt.

I can see dads face melting, but my mom stays firm. " I told you, everything's decided. Besides, Rosie's my best friend. I know she'll take perfect care of you. And it's only three weeks. It'll do you good to become friends with Chase again. God knows what happened between you two. You guys used to be best friends!"

"Well it sure isn't that way now". I tell her. I stomp upstairs, letting them know how pissed I am.

Just as I bang the door to my room shut, I hear moms voice, " Oh! And I made some cookies. Do take them with you!"

Cookies my ass. I'm SO not going there.


I reach school just in time. The bell rings the second I step inside the hallways. I quickly open my locker, trying to locate my history book.

Someone roughly taps my shoulder.

"What-," I turn around. It's Chase.

"Oh it's you", I say and turn back to my locker.

"Yes you're highness, it's me. Just so you know, you're going to have a hell of a time in the next three weeks. I'll make sure of it".

Chase smirks at me, and then he's gone.

He'll of a time my ass. I'll show him who the boss is.


Hey guys! So how did you like the first chapter? I'm pretty new at writing! Do vote and comment! Suggestions are appreciated!

Thanks for reading! XO.

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