Chapter 13

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The spaceport just looks like a bad idea already.

Mando eases the ship into the main hangar and we're greeted by large machinery and an overall atmosphere of distrust. I narrow my eyes at the space around us before shooting Mando a sideways glance. He doesn't say a word as he descends the cockpit ladder and rushes around the ship.

He's checking every door, every nook and crevice in the ship to make sure things are shut and locked away. He plucks my staff from the ground and shoves it into my arms, forcing me to shove down the feeling of guilt that stirs to life at the feel of the beskar weapon under my fingers. He slides open the door to Grogu's compartment, sighing as he gives the child a once-over before securely shutting the door once again. I press my lips together as I tuck the staff into its sheathe on my back.

"I thought you trusted this guy," I say, watching as Mando finally makes his way over to me by the ship's still closed ramp. He grunts, reaching for the button that will lower it.

"I said I knew him, not that I trust him," he murmurs. The ship rocks slightly as the ramp descends to the ground. We start walking before it's finished the process, and are immediately greeted by a pudgy older man with a limp and a wild salt and pepper beard.

"Mando!" The man cheers, his arms open wide as he hobbles closer to us. "Is that you under that bucket?"

I snort at the backhanded greeting and Mando shoots me what I imagine is a glare under the helmet before looking back at the man. "Ran," he replies with a curt nod.

"I didn't really know if I'd ever see you in these parts again, it's good to see you." His twinkling eyes fill with delight as his gaze settles on me. "And you brought a friend," he drawls, clapping his hands together. I swallow as he hobbles closer, completely invading my personal space. "What a lovely young lady she is."

"You have no idea," I say, shooting him a sarcastically sweet smile that makes him hobble backward an inch.

He chuckles, reaching out to smack Mando on the shoulder. "I like her already, Mando." Tension oozes off of Mando in waves, but Ran either doesn't notice or doesn't care. "You know, to be honest, I was a little surprised when you reached out to me. You know, cause I...I hear things. Like maybe things between you and the Guild aren't working out." He leans in conspiratorially, shooting Mando a pitiful look.

"I'll be fine." Mando leaves no room for argument and offers no explanation for his response, so Ran shrugs and ushers us deeper into the hangar.

"Okay. Well, you know the policy. No questions." That's a relief, at least. The fewer questions we have to answer while we're here, the better. "You're welcome back here anytime. You too, little miss," he practically purrs, leaning over his shoulder to get another look at me. I grind my teeth together and resist the urge to silence him here and now.

"So, what's the job?" Mando asks, clearly trying to steer the subject away from whatever Ran was thinking. Ran explains the plan as we walk, leading us up to a narrow pathway overlooking the rest of the hangar and the Crest below.

"One of our associates ran afoul of some competitors and got himself caught. So, I'm putting together a crew to spring him. It's a five-person job and I've got four, but I'm sure your friend can make herself comfortable here while you guys are out." A sly grin splits across his face and my stomach rolls at the thought of having to spend any more time than necessary with this guy. I open my mouth to tell him exactly what I think of his plan, but Mando beats me to it.

"Where I go, she goes."

Ran looks disappointed, but he quickly waves off his original idea and nods. "Fair enough, Mando, if she can hold her own."

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