Chapter 2

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Lily practically dragged me through the mall, from store to store.

"Anna! You should really try that dress on. It looks so lovely and I bet it would definitely look amazing on you," Lily kept convincing me how I should try that dress on ever since she laid eyes on it.

"Lil, I don't feel like trying any more clothes and this dress is for parties, not daily wear."

"So? Omg! Don't tell me you're not planning on coming this Friday," She pouted. "c'mon! Please, you never miss parties like that. What changed now? I mean it's the first party to be thrown in the beginning of the year!"

"It's gonna be just like every other party on Fridays so we'll go to the other ones. It won't make a difference."

"Well, how about we go this Friday and the next Friday we can have a sleepover with the girls? Come on! It's the first party of the year, we didn't go to a party all summer," she started giving me the puppy face. Ugh!

"Okay, but next Friday we will have a sleepover. I really miss those," so basically every Friday, we either go to the parties or have a sleepover with all our friend group or just the girls. But for me, I enjoy sleepovers more 'cause we watch horror movies most of the times and I like scaring them. Hehe. You would agree with me if you saw their faces. Don't get me wrong, I love partying but sleepovers just do it for me.

She starts squealing again. Oh, what do I do with that girl? She's always acting like a little girl on her birthday. It's like she lives in her own little bubble where everything is happy and fun. But I guess that's the reason why I like her as my best friend. "Okay, now go and try this dress on! Now, c'mon!" did I mention that she's sometimes bossy? Well, guess not. She's not the bad type of bossy, though.

"Okay, mom!" I groaned.

She smiled and did her victory dance. All I did was shake my head at her, although I couldn't help myself from letting a smile form on my face. She's crazy in every sense of the word.

I tried the dress and I gotta admit, it is really nice. It had black, long, lace sleeves. The part that covers my chest area and the sleeves are black while the rest is hot red. The dress barely reaches mid-thigh. I got out of the dressing room and made my way over to Lily so I could show her the dress. Just when I got there, she gasped.

"You look amazing Anna! See, I told you that dress would be perfect on you!" her voice was definitely high pitched right now.

"Well, I do like the dress. But that doesn't mean you have to keep telling me you told me so."

She giggled. "Okay, okay, I won't do that. Just tell me you're going to buy the dress already," she said eagerly.

I smiled and shook my head at her reaction. "I will, just let the girl change, would you? I'm not gonna buy the dress while still wearing it, now am I?"

Her cheeks turned a little red now. "Okay, okay, just hurry up!"

"Okay, boss," I said, laughing, before making my way to the dressing room. Just as I was about to enter and close the door behind me, I felt eyes watching me. I turned around to see if there was someone else in the dressing rooms area and saw a flash of two red dots moving in the speed of light. I couldn't tell what it was 'cause it was gone in a second. That's weird. Am I imagining things now or what? I mean, I could've sworn I've seen them! I ignored the feelings I was getting and closed the door then began to change my clothes. It was probably nothing, maybe I just need to rest or something, I kept telling myself that. When I was done, I grabbed the dress and made my way to Lily so we can go over to the cashier.

Lily spotted me heading her way. "You ready to go, then?"

"Yeah, unless you wanna buy something."

She looked closely at me as if studying my face for the first time. "Anna, are you feeling okay?"

"Um, yeah, why?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well, it's just that you look rather pale," she stated with a concerned look.

"Oh, well I'm fine. You don't need to worry 'bout me," I don't know why, but I suddenly did actually start feeling a little tired when I left the dressing rooms. But I'm sure it was nothing, I would be fine once I get some sleep.

"As you like, hun, but if there is anything wrong then tell me."

"I know, but I'll be fine once I get back home and take a nap," I didn't want her to worry about me. I was glad that she didn't push me by asking more questions.


When lily parked in front of my house, I got out, took my dress and told her I would see her tomorrow. I made my way to my house and then my room. I hanged up my dress in the closet and went to set my alarm so I could wake up, then went over to my bed and let myself sink into a deep slumber.


I woke up to my alarm and saw that it was eight PM. I got up and made my way downstairs to find the place empty and silent. Hmm, my mom didn't say that she was going out, neither did Tyler. I went over to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water then went to call mum. It was ringing but she wasn't answering so I tried Tyler. Weird; how neither of them is answering their phones. I was heading to my room when I heard a crack coming from the living room. Suddenly my heart started beating faster. Oh god, this better not be some serial killer or something. I grabbed the closest thing to me, which was a frying pan,how nice, and made my way over to the living room slowly, trying not to make too much noise. I took cover behind the wall and tried to see if someone was there, and that was when I saw two bright, red eyes. I felt myself stiffen. The same two red dots I saw today at the store. I felt my hands shaking. The eyes were staring at a family photo that is on our fireplace. These are the same red eyes I saw the night I lost someone that meant the world to me. I felt myself shake all over and tried holding the tears that were forming in back of my eyes; I couldn't let whoever it was to know that I was here right now.

I was about to take a small step forward when the wood under me made a cracking sound. I was hoping that the person didn't pay much attention, but of course that didn't happen. The next thing I knew, these red eyes were staring right back at me. I turned stiff and felt my lungs tightening. I was about to turn around and run when, in a split second, these red eyes were right in front of me. I noticed that it was a man that was staring at me with these eyes, but it was too dark for me to see what he looked like. It was like he was a shadow and the only thing you can define is his eyes. It seemed like there are flames in his eyes. They looked scary yet so amazing. Snap out of it, Annabelle. This is not the time to fantasize about these eyes.

My heart was beating so fast and I couldn't move because he got me cornered against the wall. I, then, realized that I'm still holding the frying pan. I made a move to hit him on the head with it, but I was too slow. He grabbed the frying pan from me and threw it on the ground. He came closer to my ear and I felt my breath catch. "You can't run away from me, no matter how hard you try," He whispered in my ear, and I felt my eyes tear up. What did he mean?

I woke up to my mum shaking me and saying my name over and over again. It was just a bad dream, I said to myself. But it felt real. I looked up to see my mum looking at me with a concerned expression on her face. I, then, felt that my face was wet and realized that I was crying. My mum sat on the bed and hugged me close. "Shh, everything is fine, honey. It was just a bad dream," she said then kissed my head. "Do you need anything? Do you want to talk about it?"

I couldn't speak so I just shook my head. And I was glad that she didn't ask any more questions about that nightmare. Without another word, she left the room and closed the door behind her. I took a deep breath, I can feel my heart still beating fast. I didn't understand what that pers- thing meant by that. I laid back on the bed and eventually fell asleep, luckily it was a dreamless one.


The girl in the pic is Lily :3 i thought she was most suitable for the character. well, hope u enjoyed chapter 2 :) xoxo

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