Chapter 4

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I felt myself starting to wake up but I also felt crunchy wet things under me. Confused, I opened my eyes only to stare at trees above me. How did I end up in a forest?! I asked myself.

I slowly got up and started looking around. Am I dreaming? What kind of dream is this? I started walking in a random direction hoping to find something, anything, to help answer any of my questions.

After what felt like hours of walking although it must've been a few minutes, I started to feel like I was being followed. I stopped walking and suddenly heard a low crunch of leaves. I waited to hear more but there was nothing except for the slight fog that started to appear. That was enough to make my heart beat faster.

I always felt creeped out but the fog because it reminds me of zombie movies. I know it might seem silly, I mean it's not like a zombie is just gonna pop up and eat my brains, but still they creep me out.

I willed my legs to run in the opposite direction but that was impossible since I was surrounded by fog from all directions. You might be wondering why I'm making a big deal of a little fog that might be just reaching my ankles, but no it wasn't a little fog at all, it actually kinda reaches my shoulders so yeah it is a big deal.

"We meet again, Anna," said a voice that I strangely find a little familiar. I tried finding the man who is speaking but I couldn't with all this fog.

"Who are you?" I wish my voice at least sounded strong but it wasn't, it described how frightened I was at the moment.

"This is not the first time we met, Anna. Try focusing on my voice, I'm sure you remember me, sweetheart."

I actually do remember that voice but can't put a face to it. He always seems to appear in my dreams only.

"By the look on your face I'm guessing you remember, then?"

"Where are you? Show yourself!"

"Are you that curious about knowing how I look like?"

"No," I lied. of course Iwas curious. who isn't? I suddenly heard someone scream my name. It wasn't coming from the man that was for sure.

I felt myself shaking and that's when I opened my eyes to find Mike shaking me and telling me to wake up.

"Are you okay, Ann?" I could see that he was worried by the look on his face.

"Um, yeah, I'm fine. It's just a bad dream, that's all. No need to worry." I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I went back inside the room, Mike wasn't there.

Him again? What does he want from me? Why does he show up in my dreams? Who, or what, is he?

All these questions were bombarding my brain. I tried to forget and went to downstairs instead.

I found Mike eating pancakes. Yum. "Did mom go to work?" I asked while putting some pancakes on my plate. You must be wondering why I called his mom my mom. Well, since I knew Mike since we were kids and always spent time at his house I got to know his family a lot and they treated me as their own. So his parents told me to call them mom and dad because they are like second parents to me.

"Yep," he said with his mouth full of pancakes.

"Ew, Mike, don't speak with your mouth stuffed. Guys need to learn how to stop eating like cows," I tsked.

"And you should stop complaining and eat because Lilly wants you to go over to her house, but don't ask me why, I don't know." She might want to go shopping for new clothes for school since she cares so much about that, but I wasn't complaining, I do need new clothes.

I finished eating, changing and then said bye to Mike before heading to Lilly's house. And yes I was right, she did want to go shopping.

Few hours later, I went back home. I went to the kitchen and found my mom drinking some coffee. "Hey, mom," I kissed her cheek. "How was work? Anything new?"

"Hello, sweetie. It was ok, I'm still trying to get as much information as I can." My mom works as a lawyer and she is a good one at that, that's why we don't have money problems, but that's also why mom isn't home much so that leaves me to take care of things when she's gone.

"Ok, is Tyler home?"

"Yes, he is in his room, probably playing video games."

I didn't wanna bother her anymore since she is looking at some papers for work, so I just left to check on Ty.

I knocked on his door then went in and he was playing call of duty. "Hey, sis," he said without looking away from the screen.

"Hey, Ty. Mind if I kick your ass in call of duty for a bit?" I grinned. I may be a girl but I'm a pro in this game.

He didn't say anything, but he did scowl at the screen, so I took that as a yes and grabbed the other controler. We kept playing until both of us fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night and closed the xbox then covered Ty with a blanket. After that, I went to my room and changed into my pjs before going to sleep. I just hoped that wouldn't dream of anything tonight but I had a feeling that that won't be possible.
Sry for late update and ik this chapter is pretty much uneventful but the next chapter they will start school and Anna will meet Jason. Hope u enjoyed the chapter tho.
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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