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"Whoa, why did you slam the door?"

"He called off our date."


". . ."

"The-cutest-guy-in-your-grade Lucius?"

"He is the eighth cutest, for your information."

"Details, details. So, what happened?"

"I told him about the bald thing and he just-"

"He just?"

"He just said, 'You know what? I'll leave you to do whatever and we just won't go to prom together.'"

"He. . . is an asshole."

"I know."

"Why did he call it off?"

"I don't know. . . Maybe he doesn't want to go to prom with a messed up girl."

"You're not messed up."

". . ."

"Trich is messed up."

". . ."

"Here. A box of tissues. Your snot is disgusting and your crying face is hurting my eyes."

". . ."

". . .There, there."

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