Drink,dance,sleep (Val X Any gender)

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You smiled as you sat down in a seat at the rowdy raven while Valdemar was a little late probably being held up by work.You think that but you hear a familiar voice from behind you.
"Hello there dear.Did you think I would not come?" They whispered in your ear.
You smiled and told them "Sit over there I'll get the drinks"
They shook their head and got their coins themselves and went to go order some drinks for you two while you say there and waited.

They came back with your favourite drink and their favourite drink aswell. They sat right beside you close enough to put their hand on your hip and that they did.You felt them grip quite tight but you could care less as you take a sip of your drink and they do the same.While this is going on you can here julian yelling at the top of his lungs in the corner.You knew asra probably couldn't stop him that's why he's here.Regardless you kept sipping your drink slowly trying to copy when Valdemar takes a sip because you wanted to be funny.They honestly didn't mind.

After you two had finished your drinks you looked at eachother bored but then heard in the background a song you both liked while Julian was dancing with a random girl who probably found him attractive.Its pretty much normal now with him.You and Asta gave up with him.So for fun you looked at Valdemar.
"Dance with me?" You asked them a pique of interest in your voice.
They nodded and took your hand as you two stood up.

From there you let them lead the dance as they promised they could dance.They were very elegant with it,dipping you and spinning you and on time footwork.You would love to keep dancing with them as long as a song was on.They would feel the same.So you two stole the spotlight for another 3 songs then let Julian have a go as you two sat back down smiling at eachother as the applause for you two slowly shifted over to Julian who's now dancing with Portia, his sister.The two were quite good at dancing together,I'm sure mazelinka thought the same about the two.

You didn't expect it but Valdemar pecked your cheek with a kiss and chuckled to themselves as your face lit a light pink for a bit.You looked them in their crimson eyes but couldn't stay mad at them for any longer then you could a cute kitten.You smiled at them back instead and sighed a little tired now.
"Tired are we?"They almost hummed in your ear.
You nodded.Dancing with them was tiring but fun after all.So they scooped you up in your arms and with no effort started walking off with you in their grasp bridal style.

You then found them dropping you off in you room and placing you on your bed.They then retired to the corner.You liked them in your room when you slept it makes you feel way more comfortable and safe and in hot nights they make sure your cool and comfortable but you wanted to see how much you could get out of them right now.
"Please can you tuck me in Val?~"You pretty much teased.
But as you requested they came over and tucked you in underneath the Dovet.Rather tight but the countesses covers were very nice.
Just before they left back to their chair you once again piped up "How about you cuddle with me?"You say looking in their direction.

They sigh but walk over and get under the covers with you and cuddle you smiling at you regardless and your warmth and you smile at them being beside you.You almost heard them mutter something under their breath but there's no point bringing it up anyway because you know it was probably something like 'needy human' as it usually is. You know they love you really for that reason because they don't have much to give their attention to.So to make this even funnier you cuddled them tighter. A light blush dusted their cheeks but they let you regardless because if your comfy they are.As they love you.
701 words♥️

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