You deserve better(Val×Any gender)

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You were walking with your partner who cheated on you a few times but you didn't want to leave them just yet.So you two kept walking on your date.You look at a restroom area nearby and knew it was a excuse to get away.
"Ive got to use the restroom you probably should leave for your home anyway" You say to them.
And as you asked they looked at the time and left, watching you walk to the restroom area door.You get halfway before they left.Thank goodness.You don't want them on your back all the time.Despite the fact they couldn't care less.

You suddenly feel a cold hand on your wrist followed by a light tease and purr "what were you doing apprentice?".
You knew instantly who it was and as you were released from their grasp you hug them (because you got hug privileges lucky). They pat your back as you hug.You just smile at them from there ignoring the fact they asked a question which they did pick up on but they didn't push it further.
"would you like to go to the dungeons with me to relax? I'm sure I can spare some time from my look around Vesuvia for you as you were left alone." The last words were spoken harshly but they said it regardless.
You smiled at them and nodded and they led the way to the dungeon which you also knew by heart.

You just finished walking down the stairs, talking about your day when you eventually let slip and said "my partner decided it would be funny to cheat on me just before our date as usual"
As you realised you said this you just looked down at the floor but a gloved hand lifts your chin up to meet the quaestors crimson eyes and they sighed holding the bridge of their nose for a little bit.
They had a bit of harshness to their voice but it wasn't aimed at you "Why do you stay then? If it causes you emotional stress? Tell me magician.".
You sighed knowing Val was right but you just smiled at them and just said back "I really don't care" which was a lie it made you really mad.

They just looked at you again and say a little quietly."Why won't you quit when anyone else could be better then them? Leave you alone and then act fine when they arnt with you?".
Stared at them a little startled.They were insisting you leave your partner very instantly to protect your feelings?
You thought it would be funny to say to them "do you think you could be better then as the one insisting I leave?"
"Definitely if you'd give me a chance.i could be a better partner and even if not I'd give you some advice to find someone better then them." They replied swiftly to your comment.
You look at them again. They weren't joking,they arnt the type to make jokes.You felt them move their spare hand to your cheek. The cold seeping through their black gloves and into your cheek. You couldn't care less. They always treated you better then your partner ever did.

"You deserve better then them.Dont you see?" They sighed after stating this.
You now saw who you want.You wanted nothing to do with your old partner at all, they would just cheat again anyways.
They suddenly replied to their own statement"If I was to give you some advice I'd leave them tonight and come back with know the way into the dungeons and I'll wait for you in the library at doctor 069s table."
Once again you nodded at them and replied "You better wait and don't leave me alone."
They sigh and say "I wouldn't do what they did to you ever."

Next day you found yourself standing outside your partner's house. As you knock you hear shuffling and a door opening.
"Hey there love!" Their voice replied quite loudly.
You just sighed and looked them in the eye. They snapped silent after that knowing you were acting serious around them now.They looked at you puzzled as if you were looking at them weirdly.
You snap at them "Were over.i don't want to be with a tired of your nonsense I really gave you 7 odd chances.Have fun with the other partners you have right now."
They looked shocked a second but then looked at you probably about to appoligise but you walk away instead starting to head toward the palace where your best friend was waiting for you in the library.Your friend who helped you make the right choice.

You arrived at the library and true to their word Val was waiting there for you. You walk up to them as they turn round knowing your there.
You say subtly."Val. I want you not them.You helped me notice that."
They don't even look puzzled they just nod and look back at the bookcase leading to the dungeon and get up and pull out the books red,leather,black with gold. And the stairs open.
They bow jokingly or not you can't tell and go "after you".
So you walk down into the dungeon soon followed by the sound of Valdemar's shoes on the stairs.

Your finally in the dungeon and they pull down their mask and look you in the eyes looking at you differently to how they normally do. It's more fondness then usual.You don't know what they want but you realise when your warm and their cold face collide in a kiss,your not sure if you or them initiated it.Its all a blur to you now.
947 words! Thanks for reading❤️

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