𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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So far, it's been 3 weeks since Billy disappeared and 2 1/2 since Griffin had. My mom has only been letting me leave the house for school and to see my friends, only if we all walk together. Robin and I have barely told anyone we've been dating, which is good I guess. "Mar!! There's someone here for you!!" I heard my mom call to me as I lied face up in my bed.

"Coming!!" I yelled as I ran downstairs to see who it was. "Hey Mar," Vance said as I opened the door. "Hey Vance!! What's up?" I asked as I hugged him and let him inside. "Nothing much, I just haven't seen you in a couple days, are you okay?" He asked as I led him upstairs to my room. "Yeah I'm fine, my parents just doesn't want me to 'disappear' like everyone else has." I said as I threw myself on my bed.

"Damn that sucks," He said laughing. I sat up and then threw a pillow at him. "Shut up Vance," I said as I rolled my eyes and lied back down. "My parents don't even care, probably because I'm a fighter," He said as he raised his arm and flexed his muscles. I rolled my eyes and laughed. It was nice having someone over. I missed hanging out with Vance. 

"Wanna go to the arcade? I got money!" He said as he took out his wallet and shook it. "Sure, why not?" I said as I got up and put on a pair of shoes. I ran downstairs quickly and walked up to my parents who were sitting on the couch, watching a movie together. 

"Mom??" I said in a sing-songy voice. "Yes mi amor?" She said as she looked up at me."Can I PLEASE go to the arcade with Vance? I promise I'll be safe and we'll stick together!! PLEASE mom?!" I pleaded as I shook my hands in front of her. 

She looked over at Vance, he smiled his stupid smile, and then looked back at me. "Fine. But be back by 5:00 pm, no sooner then 5:00, got it?" She said as I hugged her and then started towards the door. "Yes mom!! See you later!!! Bye love you dad!!" I said as I left the house quickly."YES!" Vance and I said as we high-fived each other and started towards the arcade.

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Vance and I played for hours until it turned out to be 4:30. "Shit. Look at the time." Vance said as we stopped playing our game and checked the clock. "Damnit, I wish we would've had more time." I said as I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door. "I hate that my mom's so overprotective." I said as we started our walk home. "She's only doing it because she loves you Mar, don't take it personally." He said as he shrugged his arms and I rolled my eyes. 

"I guess so but she doesn't have to keep me inside ALL DAMN DAY LONG." I said as I kicked a rock out of my way. "I hate it. I hate this stupid kidnapper guy and I hate this place!" I said as I kicked more rocks, but Vance stopped me as he put his hand on my shoulder. "At least she cares Mar, my mom doesn't give a shit about what I do. Why do you think I am the way I am? Because my parents don't give a shit." He said with a sad kind of expression on his face.

I guess he was right. My mom just loves me so much, and I am her only child. She just doesn't wanna see me get hurt. "I guess you're right Vance. Thank you so much," I said as I hugged him and we started on our walk once again. "So, what's up with you and that Arellano kid?" He said as he smirked and I smiled. "I guess he's sorta, my boyfriend," I said as I looked down at the sidewalk and smiled. 

"I knew you liked him, it was pretty obvious Mar," He said as he laughed and I rolled my eyes. "He's cute, what can I say?" I said as I shrugged my arms and laughed with him. We both laughed together until we ran into these two kids from our school, Jason and Carrie. "Shit." I muttered under my breath. These kids were ALWAYS looking for problems to start. I just wanted to beat the shit out of Carrie. 

"Well if it isn't tweedle dee and tweedle dum?" Jason said as him and Carrie started to laugh. "Shut the fuck up Jason, you sound like a fucking dweeb, what do you want?" I stated as I stepped closer. "Don't talk to me like that you fucking slut. Weren't you just fucking Robin and now Vance? You're a whore Maria, and you always will be." He said as he stepped up closer to me. "Back the fuck up Jason," Vance said as he stepped in front of me. "Or what?" He said as they were chin to chin.

Just then, Vance took a swing at Jason's jaw, and he went flying. I looked over and Carrie just kept staring at me with her glossed out lips and this ugly look. "What? You want some too puta?" I said as I stepped up. "You fucking wetback," She said as she rolled her eyes. I lost control and went up and socked the bitch right on her nose. She flew down onto the floor which gave me the opportunity to jump onto her and beat the fuck out of her.

I sat on her and started punching her. Her nose started to bleed but I just remembered everything she had ever said to me. "You're a whore. Just like your own mother..." "You're gonna end up pregnant at 15, just like your mom..." "You're ugly..." I had completely blacked out and just kept punching. I then felt someone pull me off of her and I finally came back to reality. 

"Enough Maria, let's go home," Vance said as he put my arm around him and helped me walk home. I looked back and saw Carrie lying bloodily on the floor. "Yeah that's right, don't you EVER talk shit to me again pendeja! I'll rock your world bitch!" I said as I smiled and Vance laughed at me. "You're crazy Maria," "I know," I said as I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

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I was laying in my room after getting home from the arcade with Vance. Vance had dropped me off because he had to go home before he got in trouble and my parents were at work. So I guess I was just left at home by myself again. I then heard a knock at the door and ran down to see who it was. "Hey princesa- WOAH, what the hell happened to you?" He said as he came inside and ran me to the sink. 

I looked down to see blood all over my clothes, face, and knuckles. "It's not mine," I said as Robin started to wash my hands. "Who's is it?" He said with a worried expression on his face. "Carrie Lawrence," I said with the biggest smile on my face. He then started to laugh and continued to help me get cleaned up. 

"What happened?" He said as we both lied down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. Jason came up to me and Vance and started talking shit. Then Carrie called me a wetback and I beat the fuck out of her. She deserved it and had it coming to her," I said as I shrugged my shoulders and laughed. 

"God you're crazy mi amor, but I love it," He said as he turned to me and pulled me in for a kiss. "Yeah I know," I said as I smiled and looked at him, admiring the time we were spending together. "Since it's Saturday, wanna spend the night together?" He said as he held me in his arms. "Of course!" I said excitedly as he pulled me in closer and held me tighter.

"I was hoping you'd say yes, I kinda already brought my stuff," He said as we both laughed and continued to lay in my bed as the time passed us by. I was glad I finally gotten my mind off of the kidnapper and my friends who had gone missing. 

𝕬𝖑𝖜𝖆𝖞𝖘 & 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 - 𝙍𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝘼𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙤 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora