Our anniversary

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This chapter isn't done yet I accidentally hit the publish button

Zed's pov
Today is our anniversary we've been dating officially for 2 years and it's been the best 2 years of my life and today I'm going to ask the love of my life to be my wife I look down and I see Addison asleep on my chest so I VERY carefully move Addison so I can get up and once I get up I immediately go to the bathroom and go and then I go to the kitchen and I make breakfast for me and Addison I decide to make pancakes so I make the batter and I grab the pan and make sure to spray it with cooking oil so the pancakes don't stick then I pour the batter into the pan and wait a little bit and then flip the pancakes once the pancakes are done I put them on a plate and put some syrup on them with some whipped cream and powdered sugar and then I pour some milk into a cup and then I grab a tray and put the pancakes and milk on the tray and I bring it to our room once I get into the room I put the tray on the nightstand on my side of the bed and I gently wake Addison up "good morning my love" "good morning honey" "happy 2 year anniversary" "happy anniversary I love you" "I love you too Addie I made you breakfast in bed" "awe you're so sweet thank you" "you're welcome" I give Addison the tray of her breakfast and I sit with her while she eats her breakfast "Addie?" "Yeah Zed?" "Willa, Wynter, and Bree want to go shopping with you" "Okay I love you handsome" "I love you too my beautiful girlfriend" I lean down and give Addison a quick yet loving kiss "Zed can you believe that we've been together for 2 years it feels like longer to me" "it feels longer to me too and to think when we first met you punched me in the nose" "sorry about that" "it's okay I know it was just because you were startled and you didn't know what to do" "Yeah I should've connected Zombie Zed both start with the letter Z" "it's okay" "Gosh you're cute" "Well thanks you're absolutely gorgeous" "you are so sweet" Addie leans in and gives me a kiss "Well I better get ready to go shopping with Willa, Wynter, and Bree" "Yeah you should" Addison gets out of the bed and goes to get ready once she's ready the girls are already here waiting for her so as soon as she's ready they leave "Bye Zed I love you" "bye Addie I love you too have fun" "thanks we will" as soon as they leave i text Bonzo and tell him to meet me at the campus so we can get everything set up which isn't that much stuff but still once I'm ready I go to the campus and go to the spot where I'm going to ask Addison to be my wife (I'm going to have bonzo and zed have a conversation but instead of having bonzo speak Zombie I'm gonna have him speak English because it's easier for me) "bonzo did you bring your speaker?" "Yeah it's in my car do you want me to go grab it really quick?" "Yes please" "I'll be right back" "thanks bro" Bonzo goes to his car and gets his speaker and I connect my phone which has our song on it then I set up a cute little picnic for Addison and I once I have everything set up I text Willa "Hey Willa I'm ready can you bring Addison to campus now BUT DO NOT TELL HER WHY" "I won't tell her"  "just so you know you can stay when I propose" "awesome we'll be there in a few minutes" "Okay" I start getting nervous "zed calm down" "I'm starting to get nervous" "You have nothing to be nervous about Addison is going to say yes and you know it" "thanks bonzo"
A few minutes later
I see the pack walking towards us with Addison blindfolded Willa starts talking to Addison "Okay we're at your surprise but you have to keep your blindfold on a little bit longer" Willa let's go of Addison's hand and I decide to grab Addison's hands "Zed is that you honey?" "Yeah it's me" "I missed you" "I missed you too but this surprise is going to make it all worth it" I let go of her hands and I take Addison's blindfold off of her and she opens her eyes and she starts crying "you look so handsome babe" "you look drop dead gorgeous Addie" "is this picnic all for me?" "Yeah but I have one more surprise for you before we start eating" "what's that?" "Addie my love. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can't imagine my life without you. I love you more than I can ever explain. Addison will you make me the happiest Zombie in the world and be my wife? Will you Addison Rosaline Wells marry me and be my forever?" I get down on my knee and pull out the ring
Addison gasped "YES, OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I CANT BELIEVE THAT I'M GOING TO BE YOUR WIFE." Addison jumps into my arms and kisses me once we pull away I put the ring on Addison's finger and after a few seconds we hear clapping so Addison pulls away from the kiss and looks over and sees Willa Wynter and the rest of the pack and Bonzo and Bree "you all knew didn't you?" "Yup" "you guys are the best" Bree jumps into the conversation "which is why I grabbed your phone because I saw Zoey texted you and asked if you like the ring" "Zoey almost ruined the proposal but thanks to my quick thinking I saved it" "thanks Bree" "so are you hungry Addie" "Yeah all that shopping made me hungry" Willa speaks up "Well we'll let you two lovebirds have your picnic and we'll go so you can have your alone time" Okay we'll see y'all later" after everyone leaves and Addison and I finish eating we pack everything up and we go back to our apartment which is thankfully empty so Addison and I are actually alone "so what do you want to do now?" "I'm thinking about taking a bubble bath if you want to join me" "I'm down for that" "hold on is your zband water proof?" "Oh shoot it's not" "Zed hang on a second I have an idea" "what's your idea?" "We could just tie a plastic bag around your wrist so it won't get wet or maybe you could just take it off if you think you'll be able to handle not having it on for a little while" "I'm gonna say that we can just tie a bag around my z band because we're gonna be close to each other and the last thing I would want to happen is I lose control and hurt you" "Okay let me go get a plastic bag to wrap around your wrist" I let Addison get up to go get a plastic bag to tie around my wrist so my zband won't get wet a few minutes later she comes back with a plastic bag "I got the plastic bag bubby" "Okay honey" "do you need help wrapping it around your zband?" "Yeah" "Okay here just put your hand and wrist into the bag and then I'll tie it up and then just to be safe I'm going to put some water proof medical tape around your wrist where the opening is just to be sure that your zband doesn't get wet" "Okay" I put my hand into the bag Addison ties it closed and then she tapes it to my wrist "Okay done" "perfect thank you honey" "no problem handsome" "are you ready to take the bubble bath?" "Yeah I just realized something" "what's that?" "We haven't seen each other naked before" "Well first time for everything besides it's not like we won't see each other naked from time to time anyway" "I just don't want you to be uncomfortable" "Zed I trust you I know you wouldn't do anything to make me uncomfortable" "as long as you are happy I'm happy" we get undressed and I get the water just right and I put in some bubble bath and then I get in the tub and help Addison get in so she doesn't slip once we're both in the tub Addison has her back against my chest "I love you Addie" "I love you too Zed" "so did you like the surprise?" "Of course I did that was the most amazing surprise ever I had no idea" "good because I was planning that since the day we left Seabrook" "where did you get this ring?" "It was mine and zoeys moms engagement ring when my dad proposed" "if it's okay to ask what happened to your mom?" "She died the day after she had Zoey because she lost too much blood and the doctor couldn't figure out why" "oh my gosh" "Yeah I know sometimes my dad still has a hard time because he feels like it's his fault that she died even though it wasn't his fault" "he's been through a lot hasn't he" "Yeah and a few months ago he told me that he was scared for when Zoey gets older because he's a single dad and doesn't fully understand girls bodies if you know what I mean" "I know" "he was also worried because he is getting up there in age and he's worried about what would happen if he were to die and what would happen to Zoey" "did you tell him that we would make sure she was safe and loved and that we would take care of her?" "Yeah I told him that we would step in and take care of her" "good" "do you want to know something funny that Zoey told me?" "Yeah what did she say?" "She told me that as long as she can come visit I could give you the ring because when she was little she was calling dibs on the ring but she said that you can have the ring because once we get married she'll have a big sister and she has always wanted a big sister to go shopping with and she wants you to teach her how to put makeup on even though I've told her hundreds of times that she doesn't need it" "awe she's the sweetest girl ever" "Yeah she is it's really weird being so far away from her but I think it'll be good for us to have time away from Seabrook" "Yeah it's weird for me too but it's amazing at the same time because I get to spend every day and night with you" "I agree I don't know what I would do without you by my side I mean I was a wreck when you left with the aliens but when you came back I don't think I've been that happy in my life" "same for me you could ask aspen, and A-li I was a complete mess because I just wanted to be with you and I missed you so much" "I'm so in love with you Addie" "I'm in love with you too my handsome man" "do you know what classes you're taking this semester yet or have you figured out what you want to major in?" "I'm thinking about majoring in early childhood education or something to do with kids" "wow you really are perfect do you want to know what I decided to major in?" "Yeah what did you choose to major in?" "Early childhood development" "wow talk about perfect" "I know right" "when do classes start again?" "Classes start in three weeks from tomorrow" "Okay" "let's not talk about school right now and let's just enjoy each other's company" "Okay" I lean down and kiss Addison on her shoulder and she starts kissing me back but after a few minutes of making out I pull away to catch my breath "wow that was intense" "Yeah it was"

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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