Here, Take This in the Meantime so you won't assume that I'm dead:

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Basic Game Modes (From Tetris but explained by a lifelong ADHD Crackhead *Now* Ex-Call of Duty Gamer)

Marathon (150-lines) - Survive for as long as possible while trying to reach the 150-line goal; Basically, reach a certain limit and you will have ended world hunger.

Marathon (Endless) - Kinda self-explanatory; Survive for as long as possible; Basically, Call of Duty Zombies but you can't slay tetrominos with your level 3 Pack-a-Punch Ray Gun.

Ultra - Nail the best time possible within the three-minute time limit; Your number of lines don't matter in this mode so don't brag about it.

40-Line Sprint - Also kinda self-explanatory, basically speedrun Tetris mode; Nail 40 lines in the fastest time possible; This time, your score doesn't matter but your time does matter, so you can brag about your prestigious Sonic-like time to your friends but don't brag about your score, because like I said before, IT DON'T MATTER.

Online Match/ Multiplayer - Basically depending on the stereotype you are, you are either put to play against another player of the same skill (Basically called SBMM or Skill-Based Matchmaking) just so the two of you can have fun trying to kill each other by dumping garbage into the other player's play grid, trying to act like you're both trying to audition to be the next Super-Satan Goku of the Tetris, so good luck with that (The Tetris gods are watching over every single one of you from above) Or you team up with your BFFs or with two other random normies to slay a god-like CPU that probably won't win because it's trying to play like it's a MW 5v1 Search and Destroy clutch match of Tetris, thanks for coming to my TED talk and have a nice day.



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