Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 script: Prologue in HTML code

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My retarded ass didn't think of this, here is the work I've done so far, this is only the prologue typed in full, raw, HTML code, done in Microsoft Visual Studio Code... BY HAND and to the best of my ability, so I hope you enjoy, if you have any questions regarding this or have any ideas on what I can do next, feel free to ask me anytime, but I will still be working on chapter 1 of this.

<!DOCTYPE html>



 <title>Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 script: Prologue</title>



          <h3>Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 script: Prologue</h3>

<!-- ingore the long spaces here, this is to help seperate the title and the dialogue when I start typing it :) -->

 <h4><em>(In a white void, possibly a place in which is not suppose to "exist")</em></h4> 

 <h4><i>???:</i>  Huh...? Where am I? And while we're at it, WHO am I?</h4>

 <h4><i>???:</i>  This feeling... It's growing inside me.</h4>                 

<h4><i>???:</i>  A great and mysterious sense of duty.</h4>

 <h4><i>???:</i>  ... That's right. My name, it's...Marle.</h4> 

 <h4><em>(The scenery starts to transition to a dark, black void as the mysterious character starts to get everything straight)</em></h4>

<h4><i>???:</i>  Yeah, it's all coming back to me.</h4>

<h4><i>???:</i>  Just like you said. My powers are meant to serve the worlds...</h4>

<h4><i>???:</i>  *Chuckles* In that case, there's only one thing to do.</h4>

<h4><i>???:</i>  We have to go to THEM!</h4>

<h4><em>(The mysterious character then exits)</em></h4>



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