Final,Chapter 2

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They talked for a while that day, and surprisingly, exchanged phone numbers too.

They became good friends. 

Sarah was still a cold person with everyone, but she smiled a little more when she was with Jungkook, couldn't show all her feelings, but was learning to.

Started to believe in true friendship,loyal people do exist, yeah rarely, but they do.

After a year 

Jungkook promised himself that he would never give up on Sarah, He was trying to change her, and his tries were finally successful after a year! He was lost in those memories.  


"yeah? go ahead"

"I-i do believe that you are my soulmate, I knew that you were special when I saw you, just was not able to accept it because of my past, I am so sorry.......forgive me for taking so long. I love you, my soulmate" 

He was getting teary, and of course he said that he loved her too.

That day, she gave him a bracelet, "Soulmates~" written on it with their initials "J & S"


And he came out of his memories


Yes, they both were in the park right now, having a photo shoot of Sarah, just because she wanted to, and Jungkook couldn't deny of course. 

They both were now a beautiful couple, you all must be thinking? No, they weren't. They were the best friends no one could separate. Not necessary that your soulmate needs to be your lover right? Maybe they will end up falling in love romantically later, but for now, they were just 'best soulmate buddies'. 

Soulmate, a beautiful bond you have with someone, not necessary that your soulmate must be your lover, it can be your best friend, your sister/brother or anyone!But that love is the most important thing in this world. 

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