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Avoid. That was Ekko's tactic. Avoid and he wouldn't have to brave the worries in his head, never mind the voices in hers.

Let's just find this Viktor guy, get the message and get out. He thought, swerving a group of chatting piltovians. Except this time, someone caught him.

"Excuse me," it was a woman. Ekko froze, turning around and pinning a smile to his face.
"I don't think we've met." She extended her hand. "My name is Cassandra."
Clearly, she noticed his blank look.
"Cassandra Kiramman." She said, her brown and grey hair shining in the chandelier's light.
Ah, great. The host. Ekko fought not to roll his eyes.
"Lovely to meet you." He said, shaking her hand and giving a bow. She smiled.
"I hope you are enjoying the party."
Ekko forced a smile. This was not his idea of a party—a party made him think of the firelights. The calm drinks and soft music, the relaxed atmosphere.

Not this high class music and busy halls full of well-dressed aristocrats.

"Yes, very much." Ekko said. Heimerdinger had attempted to teach him Piltover's upper class etiquette, but he wasn't sure whether he succeeded. Either way, Cassandra seemed to buy it.

During the poor woman's mandatory small talk, he shamelessly zoned out, nodding and smiling.
Of course this is Caitlyn's mother.

"Well, I'm going to catch Tobias before dinner is served, enjoy." Cassandra smiled once more before leaving, her footsteps echoing on the wooden floor despite the classical music.
Ekko let himself breathe. Finally.

Now he could get back to the whole reason he was putting himself through this. The letter. Viktor.

It took barely a few seconds to spot the man, cane in hand. He was almost exactly how Heimerdinger described, if not a little paler and a tad more unsteady on his feet. Something felt off about him though, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. Nevertheless, Ekko began to cross the ballroom to him, determined to get out of his misery and back to the firelights.

That was when someone bumped into him, knocking him aside slightly.

He'd know that blue hair anywhere.
Oh God.
And he'd been trying to avoid it the whole five minutes he'd been there. Task failed.

It Doesn't Work Like That ~ Arcane OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now