Zodiac 17

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its your birthday, who got you a present and what was it?

Aries - Tweek - he got you a Coffee mug

Taurus - Nicole - She got you a gift basket

Gemini - Kyle - he got you a new game

Cancer - Bebe - She got you some shoes

Leo - Wendy - She got you a outfit

Virgo - Tolkien - he got you a box of chocolates

Libra - Butters - he got you a teddy bear

Scorpio - Jimmy - he got you a joke book  

Sagittarius - Clyde - he got you some tacos

Capricorn - Heidi - She got you a Necklace

Aquarius - Cartman - he got you a half eaten box of donuts

Pisces - Stan - he got you a box of cupcakes

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