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      I'm curious, did anyone else see the new Halloween Ends? If so, what were your guy's thoughts on it? Also, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been dealing with a death of a friend and big tests in school. 


 When Y/N woke up the next morning, he found himself alone in Michael's run-down bedroom. He looked around the decaying room but found no sign of Michael. Y/N's curiosity was suddenly interrupted by the feeling that he forgot something.

"What did I forget?" Y/N asked himself in a rhetorical manner. Then it hit him. "Fluffball!" he yelled in panic.

Y/N shot up from the bed and checked his pockets to see if he had his car keys. He found nothing so he went down to the basement, where he was attacked before, to see if it fell out of his pocket. Here, he found his keys and bolted back up the stairs to the door. He rushed through the door, not caring to shut the door behind him, and got into his car. Starting up the car, Y/N started his short ride home to Fluffball.

Once Y/N got home, he immediately ran inside to his little fur baby.

"Fluff? Fluff! Where are you?" he cooed.

The white cat ran from the living room to greet Y/N, meowing the entire time.  She was so happy to have her owner back. Y/N crouched and picked her up, nuzzling her with his nose. 

"I missed you so much. How about we go feed you?" he said, still cuddling into her. Fluffball meowed in response. 

Y/N set her down and made their way to the kitchen. First, Y/N grabbed Fluff's water dish and filled it with fresh, new water. He set it back down and then went into the pantry for Fluff's food. Grabbing the bag of cat food, he walked his way back to her bowl and filled it up with food. 

"I'll be in the living room when your finished eating." Y/N smiled as he made his way to his room upstairs to change.

Here, he put on a pair of shorts and a hoodie, one of the most comfortable outfits. Making his way downstairs, he was wondering what he should watch on the television. He sat down on the orange couch and grabbed the nearest blankets. After all, it was fall and cold. When he turned on the TV, the first show that popped on was The Addams Family. Y/N laid back and relaxed while Fluffball made her way into the room. She jumped up onto the couch next to Y/N and made herself comfortable.

~Few Hours Later~

Fluffball and Y/N ended up falling asleep. The time was roughly around 5:30 pm.  They were peacefully sleeping, while the show changed to a playing of Star Trek. They were suddenly awoken from their sleep by a crashing at the patio door, which was made of glass. It sounded like an angry mother slamming the door to your room to give you a spanking. 

Fluffball woke up quickly, digging her claws into Y/N's thighs, and Y/N shot up as well.

"Hello?"  Y/N asked, moving Fluffball off of his lap and standing up. He looked around, looking for something to defend himself with, but to no avail. Since his plan didn't work, he went into he kitchen with no weapons. 

Here, he saw the one and only, Michael Myers.

~𝑀𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑦𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑥 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟~Where stories live. Discover now