Jesus Michael

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Today has been pretty busy. I've had multiple calls for making cakes and there were a lot of customers in the store. I wonder what Michael's doing right now. Did he run away? Was he found by the police? I wish I knew, but I guess I will when I get home. 

Right now, it was pretty silent inside of the bakery beside the sound of Christmas music, as Halloween did pass and now everyone is focused on Santa Claus. I head to the back to work on some cake orders. One was a birthday cake for a little girl named Evelynn.  The parents had ordered a plain white cake with blue and yellow details along the sides. In the center of the cake, I wrote, 'Happy 9th Birthday Evelynn!' and set the cake in a box. I placed the box into the fridge to allow it to chill. 

I had a slight off-putting feeling, but I couldn't quite tell why...

Until I turned around. 

Grasping onto my chest, I let out a loud scream. There Michael was, standing behind me and peeping out from behind a wall. 

"Jesus! Michael you can't just come in unannounced!" I yelled at him, angry and filled with adrenaline. 

I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. The only thing to be heard was Michael's low breathing from underneath his mask. He was just looking at me menacingly from behind the wall, but I didn't feel as if I was in danger. Slowly lowering myself to the floor, i started interrogating Michael. 

"I thought I told you to stay at the house. Why are you here? What if you get caught?!" I questioned, my voice raising as each sentence passes. 

Michael, being the silent giant he was, didn't respond and only tilted his head. He slowly took a few steps where I was, my back against the kitchen counter. Michael turned around and sat right next to me on the cold tile floor. I turned my head to look at him, trying to tell his emotions from behind the mask. His cold eyes returned my look in a glare and I quickly looked away. I took a deep breath and leaned against Michael's broad shoulders. I felt his body quickly tense up and stay tensed for quite a while. I can tell he's not very comfortable around me, but that's ok. 

However, I knew he didn't really mind because he would have made it clear if he was unhappy. Whether it being him shoving me away or getting up, or even murdering me, he would have done so. Not going to lie, I feel like I'm starting to warm up to him. Suddenly I heard the bells of the front door chime, and I stood up quickly. 

"I have to go take care of the customer. You stay back here Michael and I'll be right back." I whispered, making my way to the front counter. 

After the customer left, I headed back into the kitchen where I saw Michael still sitting in the same place he was before. I bent over him and pet the hair of his mask. 

"Good boy Michael," I cooed.

His eyes shot up, looking into my soul. 

"Oh don't look at me like that Michael," I said, sitting in his lap.

'Why did I sit in his lap?' you may ask, well why not? Michael didn't react at first, presumably trying to warm himself up to my touch.  Within a few moments, I felt Michael's arms wrap around my waist. He wasn't warm, but he also wasn't cold. He was just...there. 

I shot my eyes from Michael's arms around my waist to the never ending, ticking clock, viewing that it was around 4:00. Generally, the bakery closes around 5. Just another hour, I remind myself.  "I'll just lay in his arms until someone comes in" I told myself as I felt myself fall slowly into a tiny nap.

~𝑀𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑦𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑥 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟~Where stories live. Discover now