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( taking place after Addison punched zed in the zombie safe room)

Addison: I'm so sorry my parents are both told me that zombies are hideous freaks but you're not hideous at all

Zed: thanks I'll take it so umm Andrew you trying out too what lead

Andrew: quarterback it'll be nice to have someone I know on team

Zed: yeah ( just then Bucky and his little team barged in)

Bucky: there you are ( runs over to Addison and Andrew and grabbed Addison) if you ever touch my cousins again it won't be pretty which ad you can see is off brand for me ( all of us then leave and skipping to when Andrew tried out for the football team all the players are lined up and the coach is working in front of them)

Coach: okay welcome to football tryouts as you know this town is a cheerleading Town cuz this town likes to win and our football team is awful so we are not going to win this year and I'm probably going to lose my job good news for you though you all made the team whoopee

Zed: yes

Coach: except the zombie

Zed: what

Coach: principal lee said you guys shouldn't even leave the basement she didn't tell you that

Zed: no don't think so I think I would have remembered that come on just let me be on the team

Coach: can't have a zombie on the field we look like a laughingstock and besides I'm no trailblazer you know I'm more of a follower actually I'm not even real good at that so ( Zed just scoffs and walked away shipping to win Addison and Andrew get home)

( Addison and Andrew walked through the door of their house)

Andrew: oh my gosh today was exhausting I'm going to my room ( goes upstairs to his room and lays in bed after everyone's asleep but me I just couldn't fall asleep but when something crashed through my window I sat up immediately) who's there I umm... got a book and I'm not afraid to use it

???: wait wait I'm not here to hurt you I just accidentally lost my way into the woods and I also I almost got catched by someone trying to get me but I ran away fast so I could get away and I got into your house sorry bad wolf Bad Wolf I'll just go now and leave you be

Andrew: oh no it's fine and do you want to stay here for the night

???: ( looks out the window and see something) sure

Andrew: okay ( gets off the bed with a pillow and blanket while there is still another pillow and blanket on the bed)

???: what are you doing

Andrew: I'm sleeping on the floor you can have bed

???: no no it's okay I'll take the floor

Andrew: no no it's okay you take the bed

???: are you ..... sure

Andrew: yeah

???: thank you

Andrew: so what's your name

Wynter: I'm Wynter

Andrew:I'm Andrew

Wynter: (walk's over to the bed and get's in lays down and fall asleep and Andrew fall asleep on the floor)

_________________3 AM___________________

Wynter: (I wake up then I remember that I didn't fall asleep in the den so I get up out of the bed and to the window until I hear movement I to were I hear coming from and I see Andrew he looks so cute oh no did I in print on him oh I did bad wolf bad wolf I walk over to him and use my wolf strath to lift him and put him on the bed come on paper where's some paper found some on the desk with a pen and write a note I then look at Andrew one last time and smile before jumping out the window and going back to the den and fall asleep in my bed dreaming about Andrew)

Im sorry that's it a little short but I'll make the next one longer bye

OUR PACK IS OUR PACK) Wynter x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now