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The next day with the aliens arriving at the school

Mothership: A-lan did you remember your midday rations

A-lan: yes motheship

Mothership: A-li, did you remember your thermal overgarment

A-li: yes mothership

Mothership: and A-spen don't forget your mission to find the interstellar map to our new home planet

A-spen: mothership shh secret mission

Mothership: okay no need to bite your motherships head off

A-li: * we walk to the doors of the school*I hope you take this opportunity to learn from our advanced intelligence * grabs the door handle and starts to push it open but failure*

Bree: uh, you have to pull yeah

A-li: * pull's open the door and they walk inside*

I am just giving you the song that Addison and Zed sing in the scene which means the video I didn't decide to write it cuz I'm lazy and Andrew won't be in that one so what's the point so sorry if your disappointing but here you go

Andrew: * me and the wolves walk down the stairs as we see the aliens* there's no way the game crossed galaxy just to cheer why are they really here

Wynter: *growls at them showing her fangs and her claws* better watch your step

A-span: we will watch our step thank you for the warning

A-li: * holds up her little alien Gadget* smile

Wyatt: hey cool, an alien camera

Wynter: no fleas

Andrew: * as her and Wyatt say that me and Willa are the only one to look at the object mysteriously as it flashes and the alien walk away as me Wyatt Willa and Wynter rubbing our heads confused*

Wynter:  whoa what just happened

Time skips to the library with Andrew and Willa

Bucky: *runs over toAddison* Addison you can't help those Invaders

Willa: back off Bucky your cousins the cheer captain now not you

Addison: thanks Willa

Andrew: but Bucky is right

Bucky: I'm right... of course I'm right

Andrew: a little right I don't trust the alien sis last time outsiders swooped into Seabrook our Moonstone was stolen and this time we might lose our shot of getting into Mountain College

Bucky: which is why we need to protect ours the Seabrook cup my legacy me... in general right Willa or should I say Wacey

Willa: you should not * growls at him and he runs away*

Addison: don't worry about the aliens I'm not afraid of a little competition

Andrew: *I shake my head looking at my sister then rubbing her head and kissing her cheek then I whisper to Willa* I'm going to go find Zed tell the wynter I'll see her at the den

Willa: *nods* sure

Andrew: *I then leave the library to find zed and see him in the hallway talking to Eliza*

OUR PACK IS OUR PACK) Wynter x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now