Chapter 6

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"Here's your baby, get in Sideswipe, so he and the others get Ron, Judy, Mikaela and everyone else that knows about me to Safehouse 2.15149318." I said about the safehouse and the others. I transformed into my Bot form which shocked not only Colin and Mitchell but everyone around as well. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" I muttered as I got my sniper rifle to finally have her gone. "Unicron will die as you and your friends can't stop me from doing that." Quintessa said as showed herself to my 11am position. 

"Got cha." I said smirking and shot her where it'll hurt. The Spark chamber region of the body. It hit and Quintessa fell to the ground trying to get people to help her but no one did. "How? No one could have killed me with such speed and accuracy." Quintessa said in pain about being shot with great speed. "A feature to my gun and skills no thanks to you, Megatron and others before you. All you Cons are the same. Purple or red, a Con will always be a Con." I said about a Con always being a Con. "You and your friends will lose. You don't know how to save Unicron after what I did to him." Quintessa said laughing madly about what she did as another aftershock of an earthquake went off. 

"Not if I can help it." I said as I shot her in the head and I brought her body to burn or throw it in space. I contacted Mearing, Simmons and Dutch about the video cameras at the school and hospital that need to be wiped and for people to be paid off to tell the media a fake story of what happened. I arrived at Safehouse 2.15149318 as the group was waiting for me there. "RJ, Quintessa wasn't at any of the horns but Sam said she was at the hospital. Did anything happen?" Dad asked through comms about Quintessa and the hospital. 

"Everything's fine, dad. But Quintessa said that she did something to Unicron and she didn't tell me what. I think she poisoned one of the horns and that's why there's aftershocks from the earthquake." I said as I threw Quintessa's body out of my Alt mode. "Could you get information from her body about how to stop what she started?" Hound asked about it. "I can try but that's the hard part. She could have deleted it or kept it in Cybertron's archives when we sent it hurling back to where it should be." I said about Quintessa deleting how she did and if it was in the Cybertronian archives on Cybertron. 

"If you can't find anything then we need to find the Quill and Convent of Prime to rewrite the future." Dad said about the two artifacts I was given. "I have those and I can change the outcome of Earth's demise." I said as I pulled out the quill and book I had gotten. I quickly wrote what will happen to Unicron and everything on him as another aftershock shook the safehouse. Things started to change and Quintessa's body was gone and melted into the ground as it was sucked into the well of Unicron instead of the well of Primus. The horns disappeared and things turned quiet and still. The Governments and people were confused as to how and why the horns quickly left with the earthquakes. 

Many nurses and doctors had come on TV talking about what happened at the hospital Carly and Sam were at. "So, you're saying that the government lied about every Cybertronian that died that day?" O'Riley asked the head doctor of the hospital. "Yes, I do. It was the same alien robot that attacked Chicago twice in the past and all we get is a cover story about how it wasn't real. The government has always lied about things before. Look at Mission City, the Great Pyramids of Gaza and other places these things attacked. I say that we as citizens should hunt these aliens down and kill them and send the remains into space to warn others that might show on Earth." The doctor said in anger about what the government said about us. 

"The government hasn't lied to us yet about the alien robots. So, why would they lie now?" O'Riley asked about the government lying. "To save their own butts from bad media." I muttered as we watched the news. "That guy that was on here years ago, Simmons. He fought against these things before so bring him in to get answers on how to kill these aliens." The doctor shouted about Simmons.  "Bold words, Dr. Connors. Simmons could be anywhere right now. Matter of fact, he could be in this very room right now. So better keep your anger in check or people will think you'll become like Seymour Simmons.." O'Reilly said calmly about Simmons and how the doctor was acting. 

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