The Next Wielder

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Gwen stopped crying into Kevin's chest... she took a breath in and asked Ship.

"Where do we go next?" Ship responded with a... SHIP!

"What do you mean we're going to a different Earth... there's no different Earth!" Kevin, understanding Ship barked.


"Don't tell me to calm down! Ben's dead, my mother's dead, everyone's dead! And you had to be one of the only things left!!" He yelled harshly, he hadn't meant to say that EXACTLY to him... but a sad Beep could be heard from the Galvanic Mechamorph.

"Kevin!" Gwen yelled. "If it's on a different Earth, then he'll be on a different Earth." She reprimanded.

"Sorry, Ship. Where is this second Earth?" She asked in the softest tone she could gather at that time. A SHIP was heard, and Gwen looked at Kevin for translations. Kevin scowled and took a breath in.

"Given Azmuth's requests... I've scanned throughout dimensions... and have found another Earth, our Earth and it's Earth are linked." He represented Ship.

"Right, how long till we get there... would we stop at any specific planets...?" She asked. A beep later and Kevin spoke up.

"He says no... we have the supplies needed mostly," He responded.

"Right then, let's go, with a powerhouse like Alien X, Vilgax is gonna get around the universe quick. We're gonna need to find the next Wielder quick," Gwen responded.

*My Hero Universe: Dagobah Beach*

(Izuku finishes cleaning up earlier, like a few months)

The hero All Might looked on to see Izuku on top of a truck, he had cleaned the entire beach and was now yelling out in passion. 6 months and the beach was clean. All Might looked on, pumped up and in a fit of energy, powered up to his buff form. Izuku finished screaming and climbed down.

"I've finished cleaning the beach, it took a lot of work."

"Nonsense Young Midoriya, an army of 10 healthy men would take a full year to clean this. That's because they lack your passion," he said. Izuku, not use to praise like this outside of his Mom's constant applauds, blushed slightly.

"Thank you All Might. So... what now?" 

"Your body should be ready for it... now, I shall give you One For All."

Izuku's eyes shone and sparkled wildly. He began bouncing on his heels.

"I'm READY!" Izuku yelled, he shot up a thumb and did an "eye smile".

"Good, now... the PASSAGE OF ONE FOR ALL BEGINS..." All Might swayed around dramatically, there might've well had anime lines behind them, and grabbed a piece of hair, throwing forward the hand with the piece of hair.

"When you eat this!" He finished.

"Excuse me...?" Izuku raised an eyebrow and a confused expression formed.

"Eat it."

"Didn't catch that?"

"Young Midoriya, you eat this for DNA sake."

"..." Izuku didn't respond for a few seconds. He grabbed it and shoved it down as quick as he could.

"Gakkh!" He cringed and shivered sporadically. 

"I should be going now. If you want to try the power... reach within you, clench your buttcheeks and yell SMASH!"

"Right..." Thanks All Might..." He said. All Might leapt away, soaring off.

Izuku-Awakening Of The OmnitrixTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon