Demogorgon x reader pt.6 | Me and my King

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I look behind me as my wittle people eater comes through the giant portalussy. We stand together still hand in hand, i look up at my towering little patootie and by the slight quiver of their lip I know what it means.
I try to form words and barely get out a small and quiet
I really did want to stay here with him and i was so excited to! I can tell it's also excited because they start giggling and hugging me, then for the second time we kiss, this time with more emotion. Oh my the feeling of its multiple sharp teeth and its stinkier then shit breath hugging me was absolutely wonderful!
We broke apart as my favourite kebob snacker started pulling me towards something, we kept running, my butterflies powering me to keep going. Finally we reached a huge house, the demogorgon slowly turned to me, got down on one knee and said...
I started crying with joy
'YES I WILL MARRY YOU!' I answered, joyous.
And just like that I became my hunky willy byers snatcher's queen/king, ready to rule all of the upside down. In the end who needs the real word when you have a one true love.
To celebrate we he started making out until he ate me....
I love my demmy-wemmy-gorgy-worgy<3

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