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I heard a shot and her eyes widened. Blood started to seep from her stomach and I felt my heart tear in two. A scream tore out of me. I ran towards her. A man came out of the school and shot at me. Someone shoved me out of the way and I fell to the floor.

“Cam, we have to go,” Ryan grabbed me and pulled me back.

“We can’t leave without her,” I cried as he pulled me off the floor.

“We have to go, Cam. We can’t get her back.” He pulled me back to the truck and I went limply. I shouldn’t have let her go back in there. I should’ve followed her. I should’ve stopped her. I should’ve done something. Damn it!
The truck started and drove out of the field. The further we got from the school, the wider the chasm in my chest got.
The tears fell then and I didn’t stop them from falling. “We have to go back,” I said.

“She’s dead, Cam. We can’t go back or we’ll end up just like her,” Ryan said. “I told her Grayson wasn’t there. I told her he was a mole but she didn’t believe me, now look what happened.”

Grayson. My blood boiled just thinking about him. I had trusted him and he had betrayed us. If I got hold of him, I would make him pay for what he’d done to her.


The sound of my shoes on the tiles was the only thing I could hear as I walked to my father’s desk. He was sitting there looking out at the scenery and didn’t make a move until I was right in front of his desk. Then he turned and appraised me with empty eyes devoid of emotion. For a moment I had been expecting just a little bit of warmth from him. I had spent too much time with Sally and her cave dwellers. It had made me soft.

“How was your mission?” he asked.

“It went perfectly. She was just as you expected,” I replied.

“Good.” He nodded. He was rarely ever impressed by anything but he was by her. I was a little jealous. “She’s different from us. Powerful but a little soft.”

“I wasn’t expecting anything less being away from her kind. What about the drugs?”

“Loaded and ready for shipping. We should get them in a few days.”

“Perfect.” He left his desk and moved to the mini-bar then poured himself a glass of scotch. I took a seat on a chair.

“What happens next, father?”

“Now we play the waiting game.” He lifted the glass to his lips and took a sip then sighed. “I’ve been waiting a long time for her, I can wait a little longer. Everything is finally falling into place.” His lips quirked up in a smirk.


I opened the door and stared at my prize. She was sitting up on the floor staring at me with eyes blazing with hatred. Despite how pathetic she looked, I found myself aroused by her spirit.

“My little wildcat. I patted her head and played with her curls. She couldn’t even move her head away. It filled me with glee.

“What did you do to me?”

I chuckled. “All this time, collar after collar trying to subdue you yet all it took was one syringe of this.” I took out the vial from my pocket and showed it to her. “I shot you with a bullet filled with this and now you’re putty in my hands, back to that weak little girl I know and love.”

“Whe–Where did you find that?” she asked.
“You recognize it, don’t you?” It was the same drug Doc had made for her. The one thing that could weaken her. The old geezer probably never knew it could help me when he made it.

“I found it.” I put it back in my pocket. “And then I remembered how weak it left you, you couldn’t even attack me that day. To think this was just the components of an analgesic. Mix in a little arsenic and you’re done for.” I smirked. “I bet you can’t use your powers even now.” When I had tampered with the components of the drug, I hadn’t thought that it would work. Looks like all those years of supervising lab experiments paid off.

“What do you want from me?”

“I want nothing from you. I just want to give you something,” I bent towards her and whispered in her ear. “I want to take you back to your parents.”

“My parents are dead. You’re lying.”

“No, they’re not. Your parents are alive and I’m taking you to them. Have a little faith, princess. Have I ever lied to you? Never, because I’m a man of my word.”

“You’re a scumbag is what you are,” she spat at me and tried to get up but fell back with a groan. The whole thing was so amusing, it made me laugh.

“True, but I’m about to become a very rich scumbag all thanks to you.” I sighed. “As much as I love this tête-à-tête of ours, I have a ship to sail. Sweet dreams, princess.”

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