The Funeral

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Morning sunlight streams through Ana's bedroom window and as it's rays spread she sees that her mother has kept everything as she left it. She didn't have a chance to see it last night after she stumbled into bed. Her crying jag paired with jet lag meant she was basically dead on her feet by the time she made it to her room. Now, however, she takes it all in.

Her dresser holds a variety of body sprays and lotions, the ones she hadn't taken with her when she left. Her bookshelf still holds some of her favorite romances both teen and adult. The bean bag chair she would lounge in while reading those books still sits in the corner. She smiles at the pieces of her youth and the memories it brings. Her eyes then drift to the picture board directly above the chair. Her body seems to move on it's own and soon she finds herself standing in front of it. There are pictures of her and her sister, a group shot of their friends, goofy photos with Leighton, a picture of her and Dayton on his graduation day, but it's the last picture that grips her heart. She runs a finger over the smiling faces of herself and Preston. His arms are wrapped around her from behind whispering something in her ear as she laughs at the camera. She remembers that day, it was like every day of her high school years. Hanging around with her friends, safely held in the arms of the only boy she ever loved. It was exactly one week after this picture was taken that she experienced her first and only heart break. Now here she was, back home facing yet another heartbreak.

Daytons funeral.

She gathers up her toiletries and makes her way into the bathroom that connects her and Alia's rooms. She didn't hear any noises coming from the other room, but she's sure her sister is awake. Today is going to be a hard day for them all, Alia especially. Showering quickly, she's done in under fifteen minutes. In another twenty her hair is blown dry, her black dress on, and she's applying a light coat of waterproof mascara to her lashes as her sister enters the bathroom.

Alia gives her a sad smile which she returns. "Morning."


"Sorry about yesterday. Hormones and all."

Ana rubs her sister's arm, both of them knowing it's more than hormones. "It's okay sis, that's what I'm here for. I'm just sorry I couldn't come sooner."

Alia hangs her towel on the rack before responding, "That doesn't matter, you're here now."

"Yes, I am." She kisses her sister on the forehead before leaving the bathroom to her and heading downstairs.

When she reaches the bottom, the scene before her is one she's come across many times before. Her mother is puttering around the kitchen making breakfast while her father sits at the table, coffee in hand and newspaper spread out in front of him. Slipping into the routine, she walks up behind him and wraps her father in a hug, "Good morning, daddy."

He puts his coffee down and holds onto her arms wrapped snugly around his neck, turning to kiss her cheek, "My Ana." Her mother has filled two plates, setting one in front of her father and one next to him for Ana.

She gives her dad one last squeeze before sitting down to eat. "Thanks mom." Her mother smiles before returning to her cooking. Soon Alia comes down and they are finishing breakfast together. They talk a little about Ana's life in New York, how she likes being an ER nurse in one of the busiest cities. They tell her about what has been happening at home, a new mall is being built, talk of a Rail System is in the works. These are all things they discussed on FaceTime chats, but it's a way to avoid what is to take place today. Even if for just a little while.

When they're done and there is no more time left to stall, the girls help their mother load the dishwasher while their father goes to change into his suit. They'll be riding to the funeral together. Only once she's settled in her father's Buick dies she risk a glance at the house next door. It seems that their neighbors have left some time ago as there are no cars in the driveway. Ana breathes a sigh of relief. She doesn't know why she's so worried about seeing Preston there, as far as she knows he lives on the other side of town with his wife. Shaking off the bitterness that brings, she decides instead to focus on her sister. She sees that Alia's hands are shaking so she pulls them into her lap and holds on tight.

The ride to St. Elizabeth's is a quiet one, everyone deep in their own thoughts. When they arrive they see that many people are already there. Her father finds a stall not too far from the entrance and they all get out. Ana and Alia walk hand in hand up the steps pausing briefly at the doors. They both take deep breaths. Alia's for the strength to say goodbye to her true love, and Ana for the strength to say hello to hers.

Once inside, Ana notices that it's  covered in flowers, the sweet fragrance assaulting her senses. Some familiar faces fill the pew, some new. "Hello ladies. I'm here to escort my sister-in-law to her seat." Leighton informs them, taking Alia's hand in his. Ana gives her one last hug before letting her go. She gets in line behind her parents to pay her respect to the family. She keeps her eyes on her father's broad back, each step bringing her closer to a reality she doesn't want to face. 

When there are just two people in front of her parents, she risks a glance. Her sister is at the beginning of the line with silent tears running down her face, Dayton's mom, a tall statuesque woman with the boy's warm brown eyes, is standing next to her. Dayton's father at her side shaking hands with someone. He's tall like his sons with the same dark hair that they all share. Leighton is next to him standing somberly. Taking a huge inconspicuous breath, Ana let's her eyes rake in the tall male at the end. She can tell that he has a bit more muscle to his six two frame judging by the way he fills his suit out nicely. The hands resting at his sides are nicely tanned, probably from working long hours in the sun. Her eyes travel up his chest, glide over his square jaw, take in his closely cut black hair, and finally land on his light brown eyes. Eyes that are staring directly at her.

She averts her gaze as the line moves forward. That stare is just as intense as she remembered and it brings back a rush of feelings. Longing, passion, love, pain. She risks another peak at him and sees him hugging her mother and her curiosity gets the better of her. As much as she dreads it, she wants to see the woman Preston has chosen to marry, but when she looks to his side she finds there is no one there.

That's odd.

Wouldn't his wife's place be right at his side? She tries to study the people in the front pew thinking maybe she's sitting there but only finds Prestons grandparents, a little girl, and a middle aged couple that she's sure are his aunt and uncle. There's no one resembling the woman she heard snippets about in the past. She never wanted to know much about Prestons life post break up, no matter how hard everyone tried to fill her in.

She's concentrating so hard on her search that she doesn't realize the line moved again until the voice she only allows herself to hear in her dreams speaks, "Hello Ana, it's been awhile."

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