Konstantin Mikolayevich Romanov

21 1 0

Name: Konstantin Mikolayevich Romanov

Nicknames: Konsti, great prince

Age: probably 20+ or 30+

Gender: male

Sexuality: heterosexual

Species: human

Birthday: 21 September

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Petersburg, Russia

Appearance: he has short, straight, dark hair, blue or green eyes. He has a creamy complexion (so normal), he has a well-built figure.

Body type: rather normal

Height: age appropriate

Weight: age appropriate

Clothing: he dresses up like a real person with his status. It is an elegant and stylish garment.

Personality: he is kind and friendly, but also strict and firm. He also shows very quick changes in his character.

Likes: show off himself or his trusted people in front of others, all kinds of conspiracies and intrigues, horses, horse riding, combat exercises

Dislikes: his brother, disobeying him, insulting him

Family: Mikolay I Pavlovich (father), Aleksandra Fedorovna (mother), Aleksandr II Mikolayevich (older brother)

Friends: Hannah Anafeloz

Enemies: unknown

Rivals: unknown

Crush: Hannah Anafeloz

Other: -

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