What Does Your Family Think

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Rip Hunter:
The never ending bullying from Leonard is excruciating, but he's happy for you

Ray Palmer:
Joe interrogates him at first and Iris is super happy for you.

Sara Lance:
Ray is a total dork and starts asking about a wedding immediately (causing you to kick him in the shin). You don't want her to meet Sydney but she does and he doesn't trust her.

Leonard Snart:
Cisco thinks he's kidnapped you at first and really doesn't trust him. Eventually they end up with a normal relationship and Cisco tries to keep Team Flash from finding him.

Mick Rory:
You're really scared to tell Barry at first, but he's surprisingly accepting. Your dad knows Micks a criminal and warns you to be careful.

Jefferson Jackson:
Oliver threatens him a lot at first, but eventually ends up jokingly bullying him.

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