Lost Shoe

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Later that night Michelle found herself staring at the number on her hand trying to ignore the urge to call Eddie. Had it really been so long since she had received some male attention, that all it took was some casual flirting over a children's game for her to be stuck thinking about Eddie? Her grandma was out of town for the week visiting her sister so Michelle had no one keeping track of when she came home for the night. Looking at the clock she saw that it was only 11 o'clock. One last glance at the number in her hand and the Motley Crue poster on her wall, and she was out the door, keys in hand, on her way to the trailer court.

When she pulled up she saw Eddie's van parked outside, so she took a deep breath in and got out of her car. As she walked up to the door she made eye contact with the man who lived next door. He was sitting on his porch, the street light and the faint glow of a cigarette were the only things that lit up the glare on his face before he turned and went back inside.

She could see flickering lights coming from inside Eddie's place, so she slowed her approach and peeked into a nearby window. Her mouth dropped open in horror as she took in what was happening inside. Crissy Cunningham was floating two feet off the ground, just the whites of her eye showing. Michelle, scrambled backwards, tripping over a rock on the ground, and landed on her back, losing a shoe in the process. The walls of the trailer started shaking and Michelle felt her heart beating rapidly in her chest. She rushed back to her car and tore away from the trailer park. When she arrived home she flipped on every light in the house trying to shake the image of Chrissy's vacant eyes from her mind.

 When she arrived home she flipped on every light in the house trying to shake the image of Chrissy's vacant eyes from her mind

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Michelle had barely slept all night. She was trying to convince herself that it had all been in her imagination but the heavy pit of fear that had settled into her stomach kept her on edge. Realizing there was no point in laying in bed any longer she found herself sitting on the floor of her shower. She didn't move even as the water ran cold, even as she heard the phone ringing from the other room. 

After the phone rang for a third time she shook herself from her stupor and wrapped a towel around herself. She was shaking from the cold and her fingers had taken on a blue tinge but she couldn't feel it. When the phone rang again she quickly picked up.

"Michelle?" came Steve's voice through the phone. He sounded worried, and Michelle could hear the anxious chatter or Robin and at least some of the kids on the other end as well. 

"Mhm," she said, her voice shaking.

"Are you ok?"

"I don't know."

"Were you at Eddie Munson's last night?"

"How did you know?"

"Never mind. Just stay there, we're coming to get you."

The phone clicked dead and Michelle stared at in disbelief. She quickly got dressed, pulling on a thick sweater in order to help combat the tingling in her fingers. Shortly after she heard the sound of a car screeching to a halt outside and the pounding of a fist on her front door. Throwing open the door revealed Steve, Robin, Dustin and Max, all with the same concerned look on their face. Robin lunged forward, pulling Michelle into a tight hug. 

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