Part 2 - Pollos

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Mike pulled up to the abandoned husk of Los Pollos Hermanos. He didnt like lying to Saul, but if he found out he was still doing business here, he would never forgive him. Stepping into the former dining room, he walked over to a garbage can and reached inside, pulling out a note written for him. Reading it and sighing, he made his way back to his car and drove off. 

After a few minutes of driving, he arrived at the Presbytarian Hospital. Walking over to the receptionist, he put both his arms on the counter. "I'm visiting Mr Kitt, i'm a friend."

"Im sorry sir, but visiting hours are at one in the afternoon, you'll have to wait."

"I dont have time to wait, I have an important piece of family news, his ears only, and if i dont tell him now, i might not be able to again."

"Well im sorry, but theres nothing i can do, i can tell a staff member to refer your message, thats the most i can do."

"no, that wont work, but thanks anyway" Mike walked away from the counter and left the building, walking around the side until he reached the staff entrance. Making usre he was undetected, he walked into the staff area and looked through everyone's lockers for a ID Card, which didnt take long for the seasoned investigator. Using it, Mike went up the stairs to the next level to find someone to ask for his quarry's wherabouts. 

"Hello doctor, im looking for a certain patient, one Mr Kitt, under urgent business."

"Who are you? i've not seen you around here before." the doctor said inquisitivly

"Ehrmantraut, security consultant, he could be a danger to everyone here if i dont see him, so where can i find him?" Mike said in a more aggressive tone.

The doctor, slightly intimidated, relinquished the information. "two floors up, as soon as you leave the elevator, take a right and enter the third door to the left. 

"thank you, doctor" Mike said, following his instructions until he finds the room. Mike comes face to face with an old associate, Tyrus. Except instead of his intimidating stance he had back in the day, he was confined to a hospital bed, missing a leg and with most of his fingers blown off.

"Didnt think i'd find you, you've looked better" Mike grunted at the former bodyguard, who smirked at him.

"Come here to finish things Mike? Looks like i've made it easy for you."

Mike remembered that Tyrus would most likely have been in the room with Gus when he was blown up by Walter, but somehow survived the explosion. "Look at what being that man's lapdog has done to you, it'd be a mercy to kill you, luckily I dont have a choice, dont want to risk any of the past coming back to haunt me."

Tyrus, still smirking, looked away from Mike. Mike assumed he didnt care that he lived or died, he didnt have anything to live for after Gus died anyway. Mike reached into his jacket's pocket and pulled out a small container, of which inside was a syringe with poison inside.

Mike said nothing as he left the hospital, glad to just be finished with his criminal past and looking forward to spend the rest of his days with his fiancee. It must have been suspicious that he was asking around for him, but those were odds he was willing to take. 

Saul Goodman x Mike Ehrmantraut - Drama in Albuquerque, New MexicoWhere stories live. Discover now