||Part 1

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3rd POV/Drews POV

Parents. Why do we even have them? The only beneficial thing about them is that they raise us and keep a roof over our head. Doesn't mean I have to respect them though. Especially not my asshole of a father. Stupid bitch can't even be a proper father in my life and show at least a bit of care for me. No wonder my mother left me to rot with him.

As usual. The constant screaming at me in morning or anytime in general, he mostly yells at me in the morning when I'm literally half asleep though. I shoot him a glare and yell at him to get out of my room before I shove his ass out.

"I can wake myself up, dumbass, I have an alarm on my phone for a reason" I scoffed to my dad and slammed the door in his face before making my way to my closet and putting on the same dresswear I walk around in school with.

He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and checked his messages. Henry and Liam were once again spamming the group chat with anime memes and pictures of Stacy's mom. Did they really have nothing better to do with their lives?

He glanced out his bedroom window as he shoved his phone into his pocket and slipped on his shoes before heading downstairs and opening the front door. "Shit" I shivered as the cold wind hit my face. I was expecting it to start getting warmer out now that it was April. I couldn't stand another minute in this weather. Does it really take forever for spring season to come?

(The rest of the story isn't edited yet but I'll fix it later dww)

Drew waits at the bustop for a bit, just standing there and looking around at the neighborhood. There was a lady in a bright red coat walking her German Shepard. She looked to be in her 30s. Nobody else was around, except one dude who happened to look like hes in his 80s. He's checking his mailbox for any newspaper. Eventually Drew gets tired of looking at people and wips out his phone, texting Jake the moment he headed for his messages. There wasn't any new notifications, his phone was just, silent. First thing he try's to do is call Jake, hoping that maybe he'll pick up the phone for once and talk to Drew.

"Im sorry, but the person who are trying to reach does not have a voicemail box set up. Please try your call again later. Goodbye"

"Wow, typical Jake" Drew frowns.
He decides to message him instead this time

"Hey, Man, you up?"

Waiting on his response for nearly 10 minutes, the bus eventually shows up, but he still doesn't answer. Maybe he's not coming to school today.


3rd Pov/Jakes POV

"Jake? are you up yet?...

Milo scoffed and started to jump on top of Jake's bed. "WAKE UP YOU IDIOT!!!

Jake wakes up in cold sweat, his breathing being unsteady.

I yawn and check my phone. Drew had messaged me an hour ago but I never responded. Realization hit me, I overslept.


Drew's POV/3rd POV:

As I'm on my way to first period, I get another sense of nausea, but quickly gulp it down because people were around me. I didn't want them to be grossed out. I really wanted to eat something but my sickness just refused doing so. I brush past them and open the classroom door.

Freaks with a passion||TMF Fanfic||Drake||Singer Drew AU||13+?Where stories live. Discover now