xxii. age of consent

14 2 0

Friday, February 6th, 1976

Lafayette, Indiana


The entire playset creaked as the group of teens scaled it and settled in the highest part. The plastic roof overhead kept the falling snow off their heads, but it did nothing to fight the cold. So they huddled together, their shoulders or knees pressed together as Jeff fished his transistor radio out of his backpack. Bill leaned forward, pulling his shoulder away from Dimitra's - who shivered from the loss of body heat - and he stared at the radio as Jeff turned the dial.

"Good evening to all who are tuning in! Thank you for listening to our rock station here at 101.5 FM. Next up, we have "Black Dog" by Led Zeppelin. Stay tuned for more songs!"

Bill leaned back and smiled when the song started and Jeff turned up the volume slightly and set the radio aside. Dimitra nudged him and he turned, his smile fighting off the pink that stained the skin on his nose. She smiled back at him before the sound of loud rustling pulled them both from their thoughts.

Ecelynn had grabbed Jeff's backpack off his back and she was sorting through it for a few seconds before she pulled out a somehow perfectly-preserved vanilla cupcake. Next, she pulled out a whole pack of candles and grinned at Bill.

"Seriously?" he groaned, tipping his head back. "You really gotta sing for me?"

"It's your birthday. Of course we're singing," she responded, reaching over and slapping his knee.

He let out another groan and Dimitra laughed, earning a light elbow to the side. Ecelynn grabbed fourteen candles and lifted the cupcake from its box before she shoved each candle into the frosting.

Walela laughed from beside her. "That cupcake is not meant for that big of candles."

"Oh, who cares. More frosting to lick off."

"She's got a point," Dimitra said, though she, too, laughed.

Bill rested his chin on his hands and watched, a frown pulling at his face. Though, even Dimitra could see past the facade. Excitement bubbled in his eyes as clear as day, and she knew well enough that he was happy to be the center of attention in that moment. And in a good way, too.

Dimitra fished her lighter out of her pocket and leaned forward. Ecelynn automatically pushed the cupcake towards her and cupped her hands around it, blocking the wind. The others leaned forward, including Bill, as Dimitra lifted the flame to each individual candle. They all burst to life, and Ecelynn slowly pulled back her hands, though she scooted forward and pressed her shoulders against Jeff's and Walela's.

Bill sighed and shook his head before looking around the circle. They all nodded at each other before they started to sing: "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Bill, happy birthday to you!"

Despite their singing skills, they were off tune, and Bill hoped it was on purpose - Dimitra knew it was. He smiled wide and leaned forward, blowing out the candles as they all cheered.

"You're no longer a little baby," Dimitra said with a fake frown.

"Just 'cus you're old doesn't mean I'm a baby," Bill fired back, elbowing her in the side for emphasis.

She clutched her jacket and gaped at him, earning a slew of laughs from the others. "I am not old."

As he threw another insult her way, she gave a thumbs up to Ecelynn who slowly reached forward. She grabbed the cupcake and handed the candles to Jeff and peeled off the wrapper.

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