Navajo Folklore

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"In Navajo culture, a skin-walker is a type of harmful witch who has the ability to turn into, possess, or disguise themselves as an animal. The term is never used for healers."

It's sole purpose in life is to feed off of the fear they pull from their victim. They can use any tactic they please to do this.


"Baby, can you pass the grav-"

"Lo, what was that?" Camila whispered, cutting her off in sheer panic and curiosity. The words sting on her tongue.

Lauren stills the utensils in her hands as she looks cautiously around the dining room. Nothing seems out of place. The open kitchen behind her is empty, red light from the electric stove radiates heat from the light hue of a single burner. She looks into the living room to her left, watching the tv static electrify into white noise, filling the small space it occupies. The yellow walls of their home line with pictures from their wedding day, family reunions, childhood friends and pets.

The hallway in front of her leading to their bathroom and bedroom seem eerily dark. She makes a mental note to switch out the bulb in the nightlight soon but other than that, the only thing she hears are the sounds of wind rushing in from the open door to her right.

"What was what?" Lauren asked, confused and curious as to what her wife was talking about.

Camila hurriedly leaned across the table and cupped a hand over Lauren's mouth, shushing her, knocking a bowl of salad over in the process.

They had been ranchers for a little under a year now. It's always been Camilas dream to own a ranch. To be honest, she didn't want to do all of the work that comes with owning a ranch, she just wanted the pleasure of loving all of the animals that came with the lifestyle. They didn't have many animals yet, as the ranch was still young and growing. But the pair had become especially fond of their little fluffy-white wooled sheep family. Lauren didn't mind the workload as long as Camila was happy.

A loud screech, followed by many, many more could be heard through their open screen door. The door that led out to the livestock pen where their tiny family of sheep lived. They should be sleeping.

Lauren jumped up, spilling her wine in the process. Fearing the worst, she headed down the hall, running to her gun case yelling whispers at Camila to hide in the walk-in pantry across from the kitchen.

From the location of the small metal safe in the closet of their bedroom, screams of their animals calling for help could still be heard from across the small home, seeming to echo off the walls.

She ran back out into the dining room. Ignoring the mess on the table from dinner and cocked the already loaded pistol.

Dinner would have to wait.

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