Combat on this ship is Inevitable

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(Moving onto the actual movie, though I'll probably go back to pre-movie stuff when I feel its relevant, And Fun fact: The lady who voiced Ms Merino is the same actor who voiced Sonnie from Love, death and Robots!)

"Overlapping voices"


"Another day, another hunt eh Jacob?" Vekas Herfilt asks his adopted cousin whilst packing several large books into one of his many pockets with one hand and investigating his scalpel like blade in the other. Meet Jacob Holland and Vekas Herfilt; Second and Third in command of the strongest Vessel on the sea, the Inevitable.

Jacob is a young man with chocolate brown eyes, some sideburns and some wavy blond hair. He usually tended to wear a bland white shirt with some leather pants and a large belt with an array of weapons and gadgets hanging off of it.

 Vekas was a bit older than Jacob, but was still plenty young enough to wrestle a leviathan. He had some dark green eyes,  slicked back brown hair and a small amount of facial hair dusting the top half of his lips. He wore a dark green leviathan leather trench coat, some lightly faded cargo pants and some worn light brown wooden shoes. His pockets were full to the brim of quills, jars of ink and a nigh endless supply of empty books and blank maps, while his scalpel like cutlass comfortably lay on his side.

"Aye, 'cept this time we may have one of the greatests beast at our door" the youger man answers whilst wrapping his hands as if he was gonna box. After mostly finishing up, they step outside. The salty sea breeze hits the quarter goblin Vekas like a battering ram, as does the sunshine in his eyes. Moving on, he comes up to the bow and stands next to his uncle with a large grin.

"Big day uncle? You look almost as excited as when you married aunt Holley" The younger male teases, bumping Crow's shoulder with his own. Crow only rolls his eyes with a small grin and returns his focused gaze onto the endless waves. Soon after the interaction Jacob comes back around, with an aura of utter excitement around him.

"It's the Red Bluster, I know it in me bones. See there!" He exclaims, pointing towards a large flock of gulls. "A flock of seagulls" Vekas answers quietly as he pulls out his spyglass and looks beneath the flock. He could just barely see the outline of the Bluster, with all the shadows and the pitch black beneath the outline making it difficult to judge it. "Estimations Vekas?" Jacob asks, interested to see if the Bluster had grown since the last time they had spotted it.

"She's been putting on weight. She seems roughly 4.5 meters longer, and judging by her pudge on her tummy, 90 to 110 pounds heavier. Her hide seems thicker as well" He estimates expertly, even though he struggled to get it accurately due to the difficulty of keeping a good eye on the beast. "Captain, I would suggest a sleight ride, and maybe some shard shot to make it bleed"

The grizzled captain nods in understanding. "We've come all this way for a proper fight" Jacob affirms with his eyes glued to the flock, leaning closer to his the others. "And well get it me boy! It's been thirty years since that thing took Holley and me deadlight, Now we'll settle the debts" Crow monologued eagerly as he wrapped his arms around his nephew, whom now was grinning with anticipation.

"Welp, we've past Rum Pepper island. It's heading for the Dregmorr sea" A female voice reports as she is revealed to be first mate of the inevitable; Sarah sharp! Seemingly out of nowhere she pulls out and opens a bottle of alcohol with a small pop, taking a large sip and letting out sigh of contentment, as Jacob just leans back and gives her a look while Vekas gags and looks away in disgust.

Rolling her eyes at the disgusted boy and looks at the blond man in front of her. "If we're to do battle with one of the greatest and most terrible things in the sea, its best to not wait till after" She explains with an elated look as she hands the bottle to Jacob, while smirking smugly to the bookworm hunter covering his nose from the foul smell.

"Il never understand how you lot can handle such a strong odor, let alone the taste" They all have a small laugh at that before turning back to the Bluster. Crow opens his mouth as he was ready to give the order to begin attacking the red beast,  the barrelman of the Inevitable calls to him. "Captain! Another hunting ship under attack!"

Turning around, they all draw their spyglass and look towards a large mass of clouds with the shadows of a burning ship and a Brickleback within. "It's Jim Nickelbone's ship" "Looks like he's found a brickleback" "A fully mature one to add insult to injury" "I'd say it found him" They all say in quick succesion, all with varying reactions to the new issue at hand. 

Cap'n Crow doesn't truly seem to care about the news and quickly turns back to the Bluster, Jacob seems greatly concerned, Sarah is clearly amused by how stupid he was to not have spotted the usually obvious seagulls circling the beast and Vekas is deep in thought calculating the size and bounty of the Brickleback.

Without much thought, the old man turns on his heel and looks back to the flock of sea birds in the distance. "We press foward" He said emotionlessly. Jacob shares a look of disbelief with Sarah, while he lightly smacks the still thinking scholar to knock him out of his train of thought.

"Jacob what in bla-- Why are we turning away from doornob over there?" Vekas inquires while rubbing his check. "The captain wants to continue chasing the bluster while ignoring the code" Sarah summarizes briefly whilst glaring to Crow's back. It really didn't take long for Vekas to dawn the same look as Jacob.

"If Jim Nicklebones were half the sea dog he claims to be, he wouldnt be in this situation" Crow affirms semi-firmly, not bothering to look his crew in the eye for it. Both young men of the Holland familly stand on opposite sides of Crow and affirm "Captain, you know/recognize the code; It binds us to all who come before and all who come after/Those who've needed help and those who will need help" 

Knowing the lads weren't going to let go of this, and the fact he may or may not respect Nicklesbone's bravado, he breaths in and turns toward the main deck and calls to Ms Merino. "Ms. Merino, set a new course immediately" "Aye captain!" The redhead exclaims with beaming pride, turning around and quickly and masterfully barks out orders for the crew, with brief pauses to chastise anyone lagging behind.

With an angry growl, Crow turns back to the north sea and mutters "Thirty years we've waited" Almost mockingly, a distant groan is heard alongside some deep bellowing laughter. They could all feel the waves hitting the side of the boat as they smoothly made a 180 towards Nicklebones. With a snarl he slams his fist onto the railing as the slightly less furious Vekas pats his back silently.

"Don't you lot worry, we'll be back for the sea serpents later" Jacob reasures them with a soft gaze. It was understandable they were so angry, since the two Bs as many called the Bluster and Blazer had uprooted most of their familly tree. The Bluster had killed Crow's wife (and Vekas's aunt) and unborn child and had taken his right eye, whilst the Blazer had Killed Vekas's Grandfather, Father, Mother and his Uncle from his dad's side.

Upon getting closer to the one sided massacre, Crow silently nodded to his nephew, whom nodded back and ran towards the warning bell, drawing his sword and hitting the fixed metal object with the pommel a few times "All right my friends, we're dealing with a full grown 50 meter Brickleback! Watch the air above and behind you for it's wriggly bits, and aim for the eyes and the space between its nostrils and forehead!"

The ever so irritating laughter of Nicklebones was barely audible from the amount of cracking and hissing going on between the sinking hunter ship and the agitated leviathan. Soon he saw that bright unsettling light that always ends with a tired crew and, every once in a while, a beautiful carcass for the knowledge loving sailor to carve up like a slimy fish~~

"Vekas, stop scaring the crew" Sarah teased lightly, pointing at the crew who once in a while looked up at him concerningly. To understand what the actual fuck is wrong with Vekas, you just gotta look at his journal.

Ah yes, just a bunch of horrifically accurate anatomic studies of leviathans, how nice!

Parting away from the clouds, everyone looked behind the ship and saw the teal armored mass barreling towards them at high speed. "I'll tell you what Sarah, The saying is true! Combat on this ship is Inevitable!"

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