snow in la? (fluff)

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Y/n: Italic
Sam: normal
Song choice:nothing elsei could do


Me and sam have been dating for almost 6 months now and i recently moved in with him. Im not use to LA yet especally not the weather its always sunny here, dont get me wrong i like the sun but i miss the snow days and rainy days we use to have in maryland.

"Baby wake up, theres a suprise for you?" Sam said lightly shaking me awake

I let out a big stretch, sat up and rubbed my eyes

"What time is it sam?" I was a little annoyed i was having a nice dream.

"Its 6am but i prom-"

"ITS 6AM, bruh let me sleep man" i said looking at him he could tell i was a little pissed

"I promise its worth it please" he practically pleaded.

He stood up and offered a hand to help me stand, i cant stay mad at him hes too cute.

I take his hand and gently stand up, he hold on to my waist with one hand and covers my eyes with the other and leads me out to the balcony of our room.

"Sammy why is it s-so c-cold" i said shivering i was in my pj my shirts and one of sams shirts.

"Sorry baby we wont be out here for long" he uncovers my eyes and all i see is...

"SNOW!!!" I said laughing

It was like a miracle its been so long since i have seen snow i felt like a child on christmas

"Now i know its like 6:30 in the morning but how about we go get dressed and we come play in the snow for a while" he said while wrapping both his hand around my waist and kissing the back of my neck.

"I'd say thats a damn good idea."

We went back inside and got changed and put on our coats.

We went outside and started having fun. Sam threw a snowball at me and the ran to hid. I gather my own snow balls and went to find him but before i could do anything i feel a pair of hand around me once more. Sam pickes me up and throwes me in a pile of snow. Were both laughing and having a good time. We take some pictures and videos. Having some laughs but the timw had come when we bothe got really cold so we went back inside.

"So, are you happy i woke you up this early?" He said with a small smile on his face.

"Yea but can we go back to sleep atleast for 2 more hours"

He lookes down at his phone, its now 8:30, we had been out in the snow for 2 hours

"You can go back to sleep but i have to start editing"

My smile fades

"But i wanna lay with you please you can edit in our bed." I said holdong his hand as we both stand in the kitchen.

"I dont want to wake you up while you sleeping" he said cupping my face

"Alright but you own me some cuddles later" i said standing on my tippy toes and kiss him a small kiss on the cheek

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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