long distance is not too bad (fluff)

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Y/n : italic
Sam: bold
Everyone else: underlined
Sams pov:

"Alright guy dont forget the hit that subscribe button and we will see ya in the next one, peace" i put the camera down and look at my phone.

"Shit" "whats up man" colby askes while we pack up our stuff and head home

"Its 1 in the morning, i forgot to call y/n its like 4 am for her rn" i sigh putting my head in my hands "try to call he when you gwt home sbe might still be up you never know" i smile "thanks man i dont know what i would do wuthout you"

We get home and hour later, i feel so bad its 5 am for her. I dont want to bother her im just gonna stay up and text her around 9 her time.


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@samgolbach: going on 9 months strong baby. Im startong to think long distance isnt that hard when both people put effort into it. @sweetly.y/n



Y/n's pov:

Its currently 5 am here in the uk and i am flighing over the suprise sam, but only colby knows hes been heloing me out. Im about to get on my plane i should arive before he wakes up. I knew they were going to film so hes probaly tired and will sleep in.

I call colby, "colby... Im about to get in my plane i should be there in about 3 hours." "Ok i will be there to pick you up. Hes gonna be so excited, hes been waiting to see you for so long but we have been filming for so long because of hell week and everything he hasent got the chance and now he will." I smile "ok i gotta go bye i'll see ya in a bit"

(Im not reall good with time skips and everything sorry)

I got off my plane, got my bag and headed out side. "Umm excuse me have you seen a gil about 5'5 and obsessed with her youtuber bf" colby. i turn around and laugh "get over here dumbass" i give him a hug. We get iin his car and start to head to there house.

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