Now trapped

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Under the half burn trees, trying to figure out what happend but could not explain....Damian kissed her after saying there last goodbyes. Trygon, Raven father just attaked their city with a dark welcome.

Trigon: Behold Trigon, powerfull demon and celestial conqueror spawned from the dark emotions of Atlantic!

Raven :Father what are you doing here?!

Trigon: Getting back my dear daughter ofcourse and together we shall destroy universe's one by one.

Raven: I wont come with you, look you destroy my home and Damian. And now i will detroy YOU!!!!

With does words Trigon now know that the magic that her daughter has is powerfull like his.Her power could destroy strong people like him. But it was impossible, Trigon is the creator of Raven so they can not kill or crush down themself.

Raven: azarath mentrion zinthos!!

Then the powerfull demon gets chains all over him and get into a little gems in Raven'S forehead. He was trapped

After the chaos Raven brings back Damian with a warm hug.

Damian: I will never leave your side until never, i will always love no matter, now this over lets get some alone time.

But little did he know, this was just the begining.

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