🥀Os1-Job poorly done☁️

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I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes I suck at writing, please point them out so I can fix them

The story might be confusing and fast I'm really sorry

-Kinda fluff,kinda angst-

Third Person POV

He ran as fast as he could dodging trees,branches and anything that could've possibly slowed him down since he was running for his life. His worn out boots were heavy with fear with each step. Just his luck, he had ran into three Pro-Heroes on duty all at the same time and one of them even had a fire resistance quirk. Being able to completely deflect his flames he was out numbered and unprepared. His only choice was to run. Luckily he had just gotten to the city in order to run some errands and was quite close to woods that had shielded the members of the Paranormal Liberation Front from being discovered by heroes. The flame user was able to quickly lose the heroes but unfortunately he was not unscathed. The heroes did not hold back on this extremely dangerous wanted criminal who has killed countless lives over his years. Fortunately for Dabi he was surrounded by flammable objects that can spread with immense speed which was the only thing keeping his attackers from entering too far into the woods. After a while his adrenaline finally ran out which was when he decided that he had gone far enough from the heroes and was time to rest. Dabi sat up against a tree holding his stomach which had a gash across it that has been slowly oozing blood causing him quite the pain. His vision started to blur and soon that high-pitched buzzing filled his ears.

Was this...the end..?

Is it all over?

Is he going to die?


He wouldn't.

His stubbornness won't let him. He hasn't finished his job yet.

Though his vision was blurry he was still able to make out a figure approaching him slowly.

"Jeez,and I thought you would be capable on your own"

An annoyed voice struck out to him. The voice was familiar and it gave him a sense of clarity. His vision started to come back and that annoying high-pitched sound finally left his ears only to be filled with the voice of his boss. Before he knew it Tomura stood right in front of him. Knowing it was Shigaraki Dabi was able to calm down a bit since he had thought that one of those heroes who left him in this state had came back. Dabi notice that Tomura's right hand was slightly stained with blood but honestly with the pain he was in he couldn't care less. Tomura was able to tend to his wounds, luckily it seemed as if he came prepared knowing that Dabi would have fallen into such a predicament. He pulled him close wrapping bandages around Dabi's waist, stopping any blood still left in him from leaking out. Tomura smile softly after letting out a low sigh and helping Dabi to his feet.

On the way back to the newly built Liberation base Dabi felt odd. This experience,this feeling seemed familiar like he had gone through it before. He felt cared for, it has been a while since he felt that way. He thought about it but he eventually ended up passing out.

Though unconscious the feeling remained. Deep in his heart, somewhere within his scattered memories he has experienced this before. That feeling led him to dreams of his memories trying to recall that experience.

And finally he stuck gold. His brain was able to make out a figure perhaps his mother. However he was unable to remember her face all he remembered was her long white hair and her words as she tended to younger him's wounds left by his father.
"I'm so.. sorry.. Touya..I'm sorry I'm sorry!.."
He remembers her voice, pained by trauma and an embrace as her tears pricked his skin. The same tears as she stood in the background watching, terrified as her eldest son get beaten senseless. All she ever done was watch and patch but never help.

For some odd reason the blood that Tomura had on his hand made Dabi feel satisfied. It seem that he had a pretty good clue on where it came from.

Dabi felt that as if justice had finally been served. And that Tomura was able to do something Dabi's mother was never able to do. He no longer felt worried about the heroes after him since it seems that his pursuers were already taken care of.

He finally opened his eyes only to see the blinding lights of the recovery room. He was unable to move due to the painful aching caused by his injury.

He's lied there for what seemed like hours. Until someone finally came through the door.

Dabi's POV (Finally a switch🤌)

"Fuck... My eyes are burning"

"Shigaraki..? Is that you? I can't tell.. I can't feel my body.."

"Oh you're awake."

"That voice.. Yeah it's definitely him"

"So did you finish the job?"

I can hear him sitting down on a chair placed right next to the recovery bed

"Are..you seriously only thinking about that.. I'm literally dying.."

I sighed sarcastically.
I hear him chuckle to that

"Don't be so dramatic,you and I both know that kind of injury wouldn't kill someone like you."

"That doesn't mean it's painless.."
I groaned out

"Alright, I'll ask for pain killers"

"Thank goodness! I'm saved from this torture!"

"Thank you!"
I called out as I heard the door shut

I couldn't help but smile.
It feels nice being taken care of.

Word count-916

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