☁️Os6-First time for everything☁️

565 11 3

Third Person POV

Together they sat in the dark and quiet room. The machinery being their only source of light with the constant beeping of the heart monitor

Dabi leaned on against the glass containing his dear leader
Although Tomura was unconscious Dabi still feels the need to keep him company
A long 4 months of silence was sure to make anyone go crazy so Dabi took it upon himself to chat with him every couple of days
Sure he might not be able to respond or even hear but he didn't need him to. He felt lonely anyways.

Dabi's POV

Being away from boss felt.. wrong..? Either way he had been through a lot these past few months and he's done a lot to help us. If he can hear me this is the least I could do

Throughout these visits we seemed to have talked about everything yet nothing at all. I ranted every thought that ever came to my mind and now there's nothing left to talk about.

I tapped on the glass thinking of my next step

Perhaps music?
No, Doc said it might mess with the Nomus

I sat there awkwardly fidgeting with my fingers

Maybe I should tell him how I...

I shouldn't

But he can't hear
Even if he does hear he might not even have time to question it when he wakes up
He'll probably forget

I sat there just listening to me argue with myself

I've got a ton of bottled up emotions but I shouldn't let them out

Should I..?

It would be stupid to let myself get attached

But keeping them inside..hurts..

He can't hear. Yeah..Just let it out
I took a breath

"..Boss.. you know you're not so bad.. well for a villain at least."

I pressed my head against the cold glass


I felt my chest tighten
My face heating up
And my stomach in knots

"Quite..nice to be around"

"For a selfish whiny brat you manage to put your comrades ahead of you.. I admire that."

I looked up for a reaction. Nothing as expected. I smiled. He didn't hear anything, I've let my feelings out. I feel..free but there's still something heavy on my heart. He couldn't hear.. was that a blessing or a curse..?

I watched and listened closely for something that could've suggested he hear me

But nothing happened

I forced myself to continue. To clear the extra weight on my chest

"..Shigaraki.. I like you-no,I love you. You're a whiny,psychotic,brat with anger issues who wears dead people's hands as accessories and yet..!"

My breathing got heavier





"And yet.. you take up all my mind...I've never felt this way about anyone."

"I know,I know it sounds stupid and cliche but that's just how I feel."

"So creep,please don't die me.. I'm waiting for you"
I said smiling like an idiot all red and nervous

That weight had been lifted off my chest
I made my way towards the door,Johnny should be right outside
I looked back one last time listening to beeping of the heart rate monitor.

It's going much faster than before

Word Count-536

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