Chapter 3: Ignota Magica

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" That's so cool" there are stars in Ace's eyes " It's great to be able to use limitless magic like this"

" I agree too, my son" His father agrees

Ace's dad has auburn hair, red eyes, glasses, a black sweater and long jeans. His name is Benjamin Trappola

Olivia and Olive are doing different spells for their father and son, Olivia and Olive learned these spells long ago when they were children.

About a few hours ago, Olivia and Olive were both panicking because they knew they were in another world. Ace doesn't understand why the twins are panicking but tries to reassure them

Olivia and Olive explain to Ace that they are from another world but of course, Ace doesn't believe it, so Olivia and Olive have to use magic to let him know.

Ace wasn't surprised when they used magic but he was surprised that their wand didn't have a gem, he tried to stop them from using magic but saw them using magic without any problem. Now he believes the twins that they are from another world

Who would have thought that Ace's father saw this while no one noticed and he also believed that the twins were from another world. Ace's dad asked the twins if they could use other spells and the twins agreed, there were gasps, oohs, and ahhs. The eyes of this father and son look like a curious child

Olivia and Olive also gave Ace and his dad some information they knew about their world, Benjamin was quite interested in knowing that the twins could use unlimited magic. Ace is most interested in the twins' curse (or hex) knowing that everything around them will sing if the twins sing.

Benjamin and Ace want to see how their curse (or hex) works through by their own eyes but not knowledge.

" If you want us to sing, that's fine too" Olive said

" I also like to sing, then I sing" Olivia said

Olivia and Olive want to sing a song they heard 1 year ago, this song was made by a Vietnamese female artist

This song is One day by Min

Olivia: Nếu như một ngày bạn khóc, hãy khóc cùng tôi

( If one day you cry, you can cry with me)

Olive: Ném bao muộn phiền trong lòng theo cơn gió cuốn trôi

( Let all the sorrow inside wash away by the wind)

The objects around begin to have eyes, noses, and mouths. Ace and his father were both surprised by this scene

Olivia: Nếu như một ngày bạn khóc, giọt nước mắt rơi

( If one day you cry, and tears fall down)

Olive: Thì xin hãy nhớ rằng bạn có tôi

( Please remember that you got me by your side)

Olivia: Dẫu có đi đâu xin vẫn nhớ về những lúc ta vai kề

( Anywhere you go, please remember when we were side by side)

Benjamin's glasses are moving and singing. Make Benjamin startle, but still see clearly

The glasses: Bên nhau ta chia đam mê qua câu ước thề

( Together we shared our dreams through wishes)

The chair: Hãy luôn luôn tin rằng đi qua bao thăng trầm

( Always believe that no matter how ups and down)

The TV: Cuộc đời sẽ không cho ta vơi đi quyết tâm

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