Chapter Eleven: Don't, you, forget about me

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He was forgetting something. But each time he tried to remember, it seemed farther and farther away from his memory.

To be honest, at the moment he found it difficult to care. Everything here was far more wonderful than he ever imagined. For the first time in his life -- or afterlife, he supposed -- he was at peace.

Jelani sighed as beautiful, golden rays of light bathed him in warmth. The sounds of gentle laughter came from a group of people gathered nearby. Their conversation should have been impossible, considering they were from all different races and areas of earth, but somehow they all understood one another, just as he understood them. Their happiness was contagious and he moved to join them, only to be stopped by that nagging forgetful feeling again.

What had he forgotten and why did it feel so important?

Instead of joining the group of friends, Jelani began walking. This felt familiar to something he used to do in his old life. Perhaps walking used to help him clear his head?

As he walked, a restless, distressing feeling began growing inside him. Something was wrong. Not...with this place. Not with him. Someone else maybe? Did he forget a person?

A gentle hand touched his shoulder and he turned to face an angel.

"You seem troubled, friend," it remarked. "Can I help?"

Jelani shrugged. "I feel as if I've forgotten something important."

The angel nodded. "When you reach the afterlife you begin to forget the troubles and grief of human life so you can live happily and peacefully here."

"Can you help me remember?" He asked, hoping once he recalled this one thing he could move on and feel better.

The angel nodded. "If you wish it. But it could cause you much distress. I do not wish to hurt you anymore than you have already experienced in life."

Jelani smiled. "You're a good friend, but I think if I remember I'll feel better."

With a smile, the angel placed a hand on his forehead and all Jelani's memories returned.

"Thea!" He shouted, for some reason feeling guilty for forgetting her. Not that it made any sense. It's not like she or her boyfriend would care if he was dead. But the feeling wouldn't leave.

"Do you know what's happening on earth?" Jelani questioned the angel.

It nodded solemnly and frowned. "Yes, unfortunately many are suffering to Lucifer's schemes."

"Can't you do something? My friend Thea could help if you know where she is."

"We are doing what we can," it replied. "We fight many battles against the dark forces of demons but they get stronger every day."

Suddenly it brightened and smiled. "But fortunately, the eventual outcome will end with Lucifer defeated and the souls who were temporarily suffering will end up here with an eternity of peace."

Jelani frowned and decided to press a bit more for information. "Why have we never seen any of you fighting on earth? And what about Thea? Do you know where she is?"

The angel chuckled. "When we fight it must be done in a remote area or in the spaces between heaven and earth. Our battles cause too much destruction. We do not wish to harm humans."

The angel shifted a bit and its wings fluttered, as if uncomfortable with the next line of questioning. " having a difficult time. She is in the space between death and the afterlife. She is trying very hard to make things right."

"I sense a but," Jelani replied.

"You are correct," it stated, its tone ominous and sad. "She will experience much more suffering in the days to come."

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