Tropical Juices

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You've been really stressed out lately, with life in general. You feel like it's time to get away to clear your mind off of things. And what better way to escape than to a trip to Hawaii. It's your first day there and the trip has been more than you imagined it would be. After spending the afternoon drinking juice out of a coconut and going sight seeing, it's time to settle down a bit and watch the sunset while sitting in the sand on a beach. You gaze upon the beauty of the sun reflecting off of the waves, the blend of colors accommodating one another to create something so graceful. This is all you need. A change of environment and time to just sit and relax. While you starred at the sun and dog came running up to you. He jumped on you playfully. He was a Rottweiler. His fur was mostly black with a little bit of brown. "Hey! I'm so sorry" a man said running up to you. "Is this your dog?" You ask smiling. "Yeah, he's mine. G c'mon" the man said. The dog continued to play with you but you didn't mind at all. He's cute. "He must like you a lot if he refuses to come to me." The man said laughing. "He's adorable. What's his name?" You asked. "Geronimo" he replied. "I'm Bruno by the way, and you are?" He said shaking your hand. "I'm (your name)"

"That's a beautiful name." Bruno said smiling. "Thank you" you said back. "So do you live here?" He asked. "No I'm just visiting. I needed time to get away from things." You tell him. "I understand. Life can get hard sometimes." Bruno said. "Yeah it does, umm..I better go. It was nice meeting you Bruno" you say shaking his hand. "Nice meeting you too." He said. You began to walk away "Excuse me." He said. You turned around and faced him. "I'm sorry if this question is out of line but where are you staying tonight?" He asked curiously. "I'm staying in a hotel a couple blocks away. Why?" You asked. "I was wondering if you'd like to stay at my place tonight. I just live right up the hill." He insisted. "Ummm..I don't know" "Yeah never mind, I know it's weird to ask but I don't have a lot of company. And you seem nice so I thought I'd ask." Bruno continued. "I'm not crazy I swear" he said making you laugh. His smile was inviting along with his dimples that complimented his caramel skin. "Okay, I'll stay the night" you finally said. "Really!?" he said surprised but happy at the same time. "Yeah I'll go" you reassured him. "Great! So house is this way if you want to follow me" Bruno started walking and you treaded behind him.

Once you got up the hill you can see his house. It was huge! "This is beautiful" you remarked. "Thank you. It's too big though." He said. "Why do you say that?" "Well I live alone. Besides me and Geronimo. Sometimes my family come over and we have a cookout or throw a party but other than that it's just empty." He explained. "I'm happy I can keep you company then." You said. "Me too" he said smiling. Bruno showed you around the house, going from room to room and explaining what some things are or what they mean. He was so sweet. You can tell he's a good person which made you even more comfortable to stay. "Are you hungry or anything?" He asked taking you into the kitchen. "Oh, no I'm fine. Thank you" you say. "Alright. If you ever get hungry you can get whatever you want out of here." He said. Geronimo brushed against the side of your leg. You kneeled down and played with him. Bruno poured some dog food in a bowl and sat in on the ground. Geronimo ran to it. "Slow down man" Bruno said laughing and teasing him. You looked at him and laughed too. "I'm going to go to bed, I've been up since seven this morning." You told him. "Okay. You can sleep in my room, I'll crash on the couch." He said. "I can get you something to sleep in" he insisted. "Yeah that'd be nice" you said. He left the room and came back with a long shirt. "Thank you" "you're welcome. I'll be in here if you need me." He said. "Ok. Good night." "Good night"

You walked into the bathroom and changed clothes. Bruno's bathroom was nice and clean. You were almost afraid to touch anything. It's defiantly beautiful though. A night here is way better than a dirty hotel room. You finished changing and went into the bedroom. "I'm sorry, I was just grabbing a blanket and some pillows." Bruno explained as you walk in. "No it's okay." You said. "Ok, well, good night" he said. "Wait." You said. "Yeah?" "Actually. Do you mind sleeping in here tonight? With me." You asked him. He looked confused "If you want me to. I just don't want to give you the wrong idea." Bruno said. "No, it's okay with me. I don't prefer to sleep alone. Especially in a new place." You told him. "I'll sleep in here then" he said smiling. You smiled too. It was obvious that you were attracted to him. And he was attracted to you too but he just never said it.
Bruno got in bed and laid under the cover next to you. "Are you comfortable?" He asked. "Yeah. Are you?" "Yeah" he responded chuckling. He turned off the light and shifted under the cover. You closed your eyes and went to sleep.

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