Hanz the Orc

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Male Reader x Male Monster

You're coming up from the supply closet when you hear his laughter echo down the hall. You grumble under your breath and roll your eyes as you heft the boxes of paper. You hesitate at the corner, stealing yourself for when your paths should cross. You take one final breath and slouch your shoulders before you walk down the hall back. You see him, standing at the secretary desk, probably flirting and doing fuck-all with his time.

Hanz was an Orc and exactly like the jocks who used to torment you in high school. He was a big guy, obviously good looking. You had been fooled by them your first day of work. He had thick arms and a barrel chest. His tusks were thick and the right one curved slightly to the side. He had long box braids tied back into a knot at the top of his head.

You try to ignore him as you walk by but he jams his arm out in front of you. "Here we fucking go," you growl internally and you turn to look into his amber eyes. "What?" You grunt at him.

"Someone with arms like that shouldn't be carrying such heavy boxes," Hanz laughs as he takes the paper boxes from you, holding them in one hand.

You roll your eyes. "I was carrying them just fine until you came along."

"I'd say you're carrying them much better now," he grins down at you. He might as well have given you a wedgie for the way you felt in that moment.

"Can I just have those back please?" You hold your arms out for them. "I need to take them back to my office."

"You mean, the troll cave?" He laughs and the secretary giggles.

"The IT department, yes," you scoff, so sick of that nickname.

"Ok, fine," Hanz takes the boxes into both hands. "Here, you can have them back." As he hands them off to you they go sideways and fall. The tops open up and the papers all go sliding out along the ground.

You stare down at the massacre. Pure white covering the gray tile. You well up with white-hot rage inside, this has gone on far enough. Hanz has done this shit before. He's broken your mouse while you were trying to fix his computer. He had kicked you stapler all the way across the office and somehow it had gone down the stairwell and ended up in the mop bucket. He had also been taunting you and teasing you from the moment he laid eyes on you. You finally felt the finally straw snap.

"You fucking idiot!" You bellow.

Hanz goes stiff and his eyes wide.

"What's the point of that? To make yourself feel better?" You snap at him getting in his face as much as you can despite the fact he might as well be twelve feet taller. "If you need to do that kind of childish shit to make yourself feel better, then grow up! This isn't cute, in fact, it never was! So clean that shit up and think about how fucking stupid you look!" You storm away from him and the paper, going back to the supposed 'troll cave' and slamming the door.

You fall into your chair, taking off your glasses and rubbing your temple. You expect to hear from Human Resources at any second as well as your boss. You're sure your little 'outburst' on the beloved Hanz wasn't going to be glossed over.

As you glaring at your blank computer screen there's a knock on the door and it opens. Hanz comes in carrying the boxes of paper and he sets them down beside you on your desk. The look on his face makes your guts churn. He looks pissed. He looks like he's going to drag you down to the bathrooms and drown you in the toilets.

Hanz slams his palm down on your desk and you jump back, nearly slamming your office desk into the wall. I stare up at him, feeling my palms go sweaty and my insides cold.

"The conference room," he growls at you.

Your throat is tight. "Wuh-what?" You gasp.

"The conference room!" He snarls. "After work. Meet me there or you'll regret it." He turns and walks away.

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