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Just a few minutes ago she got out of one of the cars provided by the Ministry of Magic and she already put her trunk in one of the King Cross station trolleys, so now the only thing she had to do was to follow her sister, Harry and the Weasleys to the Platform 9 and 3/4 entry.

Ariadne was standing next to Hermione, in complete silence just like she had been since that very morning, too nervous to articulate a word. If someone who knew her as well as her family saw Ariadne at that very moment, they would probably think that the eleven-year-old girl was acting really strange because Ariadne was a social and easygoing girl, so it was almost impossible to find her with a worried face and in total silence.

But Ariadne didn't want to talk, her subconscious couldn't stop making scenery after scenery in which things ended from bad to worse. The first thing she imagine was that when they called her to be selected for one of the four houses of Hogwarts, she would stumble on her own feet and everyone will make fun of her. Yep, that was the perfect way to cause a first bad impression. After that, she thought she would be sent to Slytherin and would be one of the few ones, not say the only one, muggle-borns in the snake's house, so she will be known as the weird girl at Hogwarts, not to mention that probably she would be cast aside by her dormmates and would have to endure the disrespectful comments of the ones who believed in blood supremacy.

'Stop being so dramatic, nothing of what you are thinking will come true,' she remembered herself in her mind while she shook her head, trying to avoid her thoughts. Ariadne was a witch, she would go to Hogwarts along with her sister and make new friends, and her dream will come true. Now the only thing she had to do was to run through the wall between Platforms 9 and 10 and she would be face to face with the Hogwarts Express.

It was so much easier thinking about it than doing it.

"Are you ready?" asked Hermione next to her, while the both of them started to walk along with the group.

"Yes, I think so," answered Ariadne, gripping the trolley tightly.

"It's okay for you to be nervous, Nela," assured Hermione. "I was nervous too and you know it, you came along with Mum and Dad to leave me at Platform 9 and 3/4."

Ariadne remembered that day like it was yesterday. The loud sounds coming from Hermione's room were the reason why she woke up that day so early since Hermione decided to make a last inspection of the things she will bring to Hogwarts. At that moment, Ariadne thought Hermione finally loosed her mind, because her sister made a supposed last inspection at least thirty times.

After that, while David Granger drove to King's Cross Station, Ariadne felt like she was becoming crazy thanks to listening to Hermione mutter over and over again the same spells she practiced during the summer. Ariadne loved to see the magic spells Hermione did but listening to Lumos, Nox, Alohomora, and Wingardium Leviosa over and over again, apart from watching the respective wand moves of those spells, was starting to give her a headache.

But now Ariadne was facing the same situation as Hermione, she was starting to understand her nervous and somehow extremist behavior, however, she didn't think it was necessary to repeat the spells and often inspect her things because she knew she would learn the spells at Hogwarts and if she actually forgot something, she could always send an owl to her parents so they can send it to her.

Ariadne, unlike her sister, had a peculiar way to express her nervousness or her fears. She stayed in silence and imagine the worst, a characteristic that a lot of times ended up with her not being capable of doing something. But this time, Ariadne didn't have plans for her fears to stop her.

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