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     It seems almost as if she left as quickly as she came into my life. in and out, the same way a breeze blows through the trees. the gust of her was full of emotions; most of them unreachable. i have still yet to determine what they are. loving her was like watching the sunrise rise over the dewy hills. the sweet morning air and the peaceful sensation of nature. the calm before the storm. this all quickly changed. soon the sunrises turned into harsh rain and thunder. it completely clouded my life. and then suddenly. it was calm. eerily calm. at some point, she decided she couldn't take it anymore, packed her bags and left. i haven't seen her since.

     Her name was April. she was just as beautiful as she sounds. a woman of many colors and sunsets. eyes like the sky, a voice as gentle as the breeze. long brown hair that reached down to her perfectly slim waist and a smile that always seemed to calm the rain. she truly was beautiful. our friends use to joke about how i must have bribed her to date someone like me. not that i'm bad looking or anything, she is just that mesmerizing - of course, this was only temporary, as everything is. because one day she packed up and left. that day was five years ago. not a single word about her or from her. i don't even know if she is alive. it's almost as if she had never existed. there seems to be no trace of April anywhere.

     i remember the night she left as if it was yesterday. it replays in my head, over and over again. i play it in different scenarios. wondering what i could have said or done to change the outcome. wondering if i could have made her stay. i remember the tears streaming down her face as she threw her items into a small bag. i remember her rushing down the stairs. i remember her opening the door. and i remember the cab doors closing. one last glance of her beautiful, tear covered face as she briskly left my life. i thought it was only temporary, as it always was. but that was the last time i had ever seen her face again. five years ago, April got into a cab and drove out of my life forever. five years ago, April took a piece of my soul. five years ago, my life changed forever.

    five years ago, today, April left me to watch the sunrise all by myself.

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