Time to begin our adventure (Chapter One)

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You must awake now my child. There is a world out there for you to explore and unravel the mysteries within its core. You will meet many people and see many things you have not yet seen before, but alas. Before you set off on your journey, you'll need some details about what's out there and what dangers lurk.
Many beasts wait outside of your safe walls, just waiting for someone like you to come wandering out of their home. Many beasts are power-hungry and search for others like you to take on. These powerful creatures await the right time to strike before tearing everything apart that's in their way to lifelong glory. This world is filled with dangers that could kill you, but that shouldn't be a problem for you.
I want you to awake with a feeling of adventure and the need to leave this broken kingdom behind and explore the hidden power in this world. Now go see the world, see you soon...














(October 12th, Year 1475)

You woke up in your bedroom and looked over at your clock. 7:30 AM. You were the princess of the Mesodonia kingdom. It was a fairly big kingdom compared to all the other neighboring kingdoms but you didn't mind. Your father loved having power over things and your mother just obeyed his orders. You sometimes feared his love for power would get out of hand and would destroy everything you worked for but you loved your father so you never brought it up. As you slowly sat up in a cold sweat you took in your surroundings. Everything seemed normal.
(Photo up top is your room)
You climbed out of your bed and walked over to your vanity. You sat down on the chair and looked at yourself in the mirror. Your (H/L) (H/C) hair was still in a messy bun from the night before and your (E/C) eyes looked as tired as ever. You pulled your hair out of the bun and started to brush it. You made sure to get all of the knots out. You left your hair down and started to do your make-up for the day. You put on some foundation, a bit of concealer, some blush and eyeliner, and lastly some lipstick. You walked over to your closet and picked out a (F/C) sundress and some white sandals.

You crept out of your room and snuck down the halls. It was about 8:30 now and you didn't feel like having to face your father this morning. You were able to sneak down to the front door of your castle without having been seen. You grabbed your small woven basket and walked out to the town. You smiled and waved at people who passed by. Your kingdom was surrounded by huge walls so nobody that was un-wanted could get in and anybody who wanted to get out would have to have permission from the king. You walked through the market and looked at various things they had this morning until you got a bad feeling in your gut. You looked around and it felt like you were being watched. Of course, you were the princess there so maybe it was just another villager watching you. You kept walking but couldn't shake the feeling, that's when it happened.

You heard a scream from behind you and everyone started to look up. You turned around and saw that your castle was on fire and it was starting to spread to the village. You ran away from the fire as everyone else did. Guards ran past you as everyone shoved their way to the main gate but you knew if someone were to attack that would be where they would attack next after the castle so you moved your way through everyone and made it to the third rear gate. there was a small hole you could fit into since the gate wasn't open. You climbed through and out onto the other side, you could hear the screams of people being burned alive and the sounds of buildings crashing down.

You ran as fast as you could. You had lost your sandals and basket when running through the village. You ran through the forest not knowing where it would take you but still you kept on running. You ran for about a mile away but you could still hear the screams from your kingdom. You ran and you ran until finally your legs couldn't take it anymore and you just fell on the spot. You were so tired, you didn't want to rest but you couldn't keep your eyes open. They got heavier and heavier as each second and passed and before you knew it you passed out.














you slowly opened your eyes, you were in an un-familiar room. There wasn't much too it. You were in a bed in the middle of the room with a door right across from you. There was a dresser on your left and a small desk with a chair on your right. the room was pretty bare compared to yours. You carefully stood up but once you did your legs started to shake. You heard footsteps coming down a hallway on the other side of the door. You walked as fast as you could to the desk where a lamp was set. You didn't know where you were or who else was here but you didn't wanna take any chances. You grabbed the lamp and held it tightly. The door opened and there stood...


And there you have it! The first chapter done, now time for the first choice. I have spun a wheel of names full of different shows and movies that I know of. I spun it four times to see which shows/movies/Fandoms/etc I would pull a character out from. All the characters are picked at random. If there are any movie or show suggestions then feel free to comment them. First choice...

Who walked in?
(A) Black Panther (Black Panther)
(B) Eleven (Stranger Things)
(C) Dream (DreamSMP)
(D) Splenderman (Creepypasta)
(E) Joyce Byers (Stranger Things)

Comment on whichever you want and like I said in the description. Whichever gets the most votes will be in the next chapter :)

Y/N's FairytalesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora