A mother's journey (Chapter Two)

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The winner of the last vote: Joyce Byers (stranger things)

A woman with brown hair and dark brown eyes walks in. She looked at the lamp clutched in my hand and then at my leg which looked worse than it had before I had gotten up.

"oh dear, what did you do to your leg?" She had said with worry laced in her voice. I stood there with a confused look on my face, the lamp still clutched in my hand. "It's alright, I won't hurt you. I found you in the woods passed out yesterday." She said with a warm smile. I slowly put the lamp back down on the desk and sat in the chair that was at the desk. She sat down on the bed and started to speak. "My name is Joyce, Joyce Byers. I've been looking for my sons for about a year now. They left home and never returned so I went searching for them. I gave up a month ago, I just wasn't gonna be able to find them on my own. Yesterday, I found you passed out on the ground, so I brought you into my home. I hope that was alright." She explained everything to me. Where she found me, who she was, she even showed me a photo of her sons that she was looking for. One of her sons looked to be around 12 years old while the other looked to be about 17 years old. Joyce fixed up my leg. I told her what happened and what I was doing out in the woods. She got a little excited when I said I was a princess but the excitement left when I told her what happened to my kingdom.

She gave me an extra pair of clothes that included a red flannel top, a pair of jeans, some white socks, a pair of leather boots, and a black hoodie. I threw out my (F/C) Sun dress, it was all torn and dirty and there would be no way I'd be able to fix it. She helped me walk down the hall of the tiny house and sit in the living room. She brought me some eggs and bacon on a plate and a glass of juice. I ate the food she gave me while she sat there reading a novel. I finished the food on my plate and turned to her. "So Joyce... do you by any chance know how to get to the next kingdom over?" She smiled kindly at me and said "I sure do. I have a horse outside that I've been using to get around the area so I can take you there if you'd like." I accepted the offer and she packed a bag full of food, some water, and extra clothes. She helped me up on the horse with the bag on my back and then she hoisted herself up too.

{Joyce Byers has joined your party}

We rode off into the woods on a black mare heading for the next kingdom. Trees were all we could see for a hours on end into our journey. When we hit the three-hour mark into our journey the trees started to clear out a bit. The kingdom started to come into view and I started to grow excited. We rode up to the kingdom gates. The gate was up and closed which was weird because they were usually down and welcoming new people in. A guard called down from the kingdom walls and yelled at us that we should leave. I looked up at the guard. "and who are you to speak to someone of royalty like me?" The guard looked at me with a look of surprise but that didn't last long. "Your no princess. No princess would wear that shit your wearing or ride on a horse like that." The guard then yelled at us to leave once again. I refused to leave and the guard called the top guard to come and make us.

"What's going on here?" The top guard came out looking upset. He then looked over at me and his eyes widened. "P-princess!? But how!? Everyone thought you were dead!" The guards all around ran over to take a look at the princess who they all thought was dead. "I can't believe it!" "She's alive!" "I wonder how she escaped." So many things were said around the guards. "Enough! I demand I see the king!" I hopped off the horse and started walking toward the kingdom's gates. The top guard stood in front of me. "I order you to move NOW!" I barked at him. "I'm sorry but I can't let you do that. The king is sick right now and desires not to see anyone." I looked at the guard in disbelief, the king usually is never sick and the servants always make sure of that. Something was definitely up and I was going to get to the bottom of this. "We can allow you a room in the palace for now but I'm afraid you won't be seeing the king any time soon." We agreed with the guard and he led both me and Joyce into the kingdom while one of the other guards took our horse to an extra stable.

As we walked the streets no one was seen. The streets were completely empty and bare, not even a cricket dares make a noise in this kind of silence. All houses were boarded up like they were getting ready for a zombie apocalypse. It looked like their crops hadn't been watered in days and no animals were seen. Everything just seemed so depressing, the complete opposite of how the kingdom usually looks. I used to visit this kingdom as a small child. While my father and the king were talking politics I always ran around with the little prince, his name was...


Time for another vote!!!
Who is the prince of this kingdom?:

(A) Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
(B) Lost Silver (Creepypasta)
(C) Deoxys??? (Pokémon)
(D) Mael (Seven Deadly Sins)
(E) Alexi (Stranger Things)

Good luck choosing! And again, I spun a wheel of names to get these choices lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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