The Beginning

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I got dressed in my usual outfit blue hoodie over a pink t-shirt with dark blue jeans. I looked the mirror and admired my features as I put my hair in a ponytail, rounded cheekbones sun kissed skin with freckles making a line across the bridge of my nose to my cheeks. My mom called me down stairs "Breakfast is ready dear." I rushed down stairs. I saw the table filled with great food. Pancakes. Strawberries. And my personal favorite chocolate syrup as in syrup flavored like chocolate. I licked my lips and ran towards my mother. "I love you mom." I exclaimed. "Anything for my brilliant daughter." She told me with a proud smile. I blushed and thought about my above average grades and the special classes I took. "I'm just as good as everyone else." I told her. "Oh quit being so modest." She replied. "Sit down and eat before your food gets cold." She told me. I thought about how food doesn't get cold anymore because of all tables now have fully equipped heaters. " That's something 21st century mothers say." I told her. "I know but it got you to eat." She told me brightly. "Well that and the fact that this is my favorite food ever." I replied truthfully yet over use those words a lot. I pushed my plate away as I finished My food and grabbed my backpack with Princess Katsuo on it. She was my role model. She was true to herself even though she was a Princess she had her hair dyed a dark red with locks of her original black in she had tan skin with freckles dotting her cheeks. Just then my mom interrupted my thoughts. "Get to School before you father gets home." That shattered my cheery mood. My father was a drunk and always yelled me and my mother and I was sure he beat her thigh he never beat me. "Out you go now I want you out before he gets home." I zipped out the door. I rushed to the hover cart outside the door. My friend was waiting for me. "Hey Midget." I told my friend who was above average height. "Hey Mekaylala." She said. "I told you to stop calling me that I'm not that bad of a singer that you had to base a whole name off of it." I scolded her jokingly. "Well you shouldn't have sung at the Karaoke contest last summer." She said. The Hover Cart stopped abruptly. "Are we there." I asked her father. "No there seems to be a crash." He said nervously. I got out of the car and saw who was in there. The Princess. I rushed over and tried to pry the door opened it wasn't till help me we opened the door. I then realized the Princess was bleeding and hurt. I immediately told Lily's father and we rushed her to the E.R. The doctors took action as soon as we got there. It wasn't anything major but we stayed because, well she was our princess. When the Princess was done with surgery they told her family none of them came of course none of the royal family liked one another except for Katsuo she was also the youngest of the royal family. When the Princess awoke we were called in. We were surprised usually royals didn't confront commoners such as ourselves but we went in because she was the Princess. As we walked she was pale when she looked at us she greeted us. "Thank you, you saved my life." "You are the Princess of course we saved you." I told her. "Well most people wouldn't because the royal family hasn't been doing a very good job as of late." She replied sadly. "You are not the one making the decisions the Emperor is the one and besides-" Suddenly My phone rung. "Hello father." I said. "Why are you not at school your teacher called and said you were not there." He screamed. I cringed away from the phone and said "We saved the life if Princess Katsuo." After that a series of Curse Words followed then he hung up. I looked up to see if anyone saw it if they did they surly didn't show it. Princess Katsuo looked at us then opened her mouth to speak then closed her mouth and bit her cheek. Then she finally spoke and said "If you need anything ever speak to me I will help." My father out my life I thought. "I can also get you out of school for the rest of the day and if you want you can spend it with me im know I'm not much but sometimes people need friends sometimes many. We stood slack jawed I knew we were because she was like "What's wrong was it something I said." "Yes." I said. "Oh I guess I will be leaving then." She replied. "No, no I mean we stood in awe because you wanted to hang out with us, commoners." I told her urgently. "Oh ok well you saved me and you don't seem half bad and nice back pack." She said. I blushed covering up my back pack. "Well I be leaving you three have fun." Lily's father said. "Bye." We all said including the Princess. The Princess then hopped out of bed. "Aren't you still hurt." I asked worried. "30th century technology it speeds up the healing process ten fold." She said. I nodded."So were do you want to go Princess." I asked. "Call me Katsuo not Princess and what's your name." She told us. "My name is Mekayla, Princ- Katsuo." I told Katsuo. "My name is Lily." My friend said. "Well what do you guys want to do." Katsuo said. "Whatever you want to do Katsuo." We told her. "Well let's go to the mall everything's on me." She said. We gasped. "You don't have do that" I responded. "It is the least I could do since you saved me." She said. So we won't to her hover cart and Lily said. "I call shotgun." Then added. "That is if you don't want it Katsuo." "It's fine take it." Katsuo said. "Okay, if you say so." We entered the car and there I sat next to the Princess otherwise known as the love of my life.

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