My Love My Hate

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Katsuo grabbed my hand and tugged me to the jewelry store I still blushed no matter how many times she did it. When we entered the jewelry store I noticed how her fingers lingered on my. We approached the part of the store were they kept necklaces. We kept looking around until I found one with a red high heel. As I approached her I swore I had seen here put away a necklace with a heart on it. "Can you help me put it on?" I asked. "S-Sure." She stuttered why was the Princess stuttering. As she put it on me I felt her breath against my neck and how it lingered as she finished putting it on. I turned around and noticed her red cheeks. "How do I look?" I asked my heart speeding up wanting to hear her opinion again. "You look great." She muttered something unconceivable. I buzzed with confidence and asked "Do you know of any thing else that would go with these. "These earrings." She said and held up a pair of earrings with a moon on them. "I love them." I exclaimed. "Why did you pick them out?" I asked wondering if she knew about the books I was reading. "Well with the red heel I just assumed it was because of the lunar chronicles because you don't seem like a fashionista." I gaped at the Princess. "That book was made in the 21st century." I said. "I like old books and this book takes cake." We shared a laugh and she rested her arm on my shoulder. As we checked out I checked her out. She was so cute. I knew I would never see again unless she like me back so I thought I had nothing to lose. I asked the Princess "Do you have any thing you want?" "Well I wanna see this new movie do you wanna come with me." The Princess said. "Was this date." I thought... out loud. I covered my hoping she didn't hear me. If she did she didn't show it. We went to the movies(still located in the mall). "So what is the movie called?" I asked. "Well you see I there is an empty theatre room and I was wondering you wanna see the Cinder movies?" I was stunned. "How do you even have those?" I asked. "I can get the things I want because I am royal and I found these movies." She said. "Soooo do you wanna see them or not." She continued nervously. "Oh-um sure." I responded. With that we entered the movie theatre with popcorn and drinks in hand. As we sat down she turned to face me giddy with excitement. "I can't wait I haven't seen them yet." She said "Why haven't you watched them yet." I asked confused. "I've been waiting for the right person to watch them with." She said. It was dark but I think she was blushing. She was twiddling her fingers and looking down. I kept thinking it's not a date, it's not a date. But it felt like a date. We had the whole theatre to ourselves. I watched the movie and how it captured each and every moment of the book an act most movies failed to do. I ate the popcorn and watched how their expressions changed Iko's was the hardest to read since she was an android. We watched Scarlet I watched how she was very cautious around others and then I watched Cress but the change from long hair to short was so dramatic. Then finally Winter I watched intently because this was the final movie and how Levana was defeated. "Wow." I said. "That was amazing." I said adding a pause between each word. I got up and looked at her and noticed how much taller than me she was. Then she cupped my face in my hands soon her lips were on mine I leaned into the kiss. As I was kissing I thought why was she kissing me. I pulled away a string of saliva was the only thing connecting us. "Why me?" I asked. "Because do you know how long I've had my eye in you I have kind of been stalking you." I blushed turning scarlet. "But why me there are probably a million girls out there better than me." I said. "Well there probably are but your the only you out there and I want you." She said. After that she took me to my house hand in hand she walked me I didn't have so when I got the door I realized what may or may not be going on but it was to late so I opened the door preparing for the worst. And there it was my dad standing over my mom huddled in a corner the Princess gasp and my fathers gaze turned to us. "Finally home you dumb cunt." He spat. I started to back away but soon the Princess intervened. "DO NOT TALK TO HER LIKE THAT!" She screamed. "You dumb bitch who do you think you are to intervene like that." He screeched. I looked at Katsuo and she touched her belt and a light turned on my father didn't notice. Then he forgot he was saying and turned to me "You bitch why are you bringing guest into the house without my permission. He said the he smacked me across the face. He then started kicking me and things got dark but then Katsuo grabbed him that's when I heard the sirens. Soon the police arrived and arrested my father for abuse. Katsuo looked at me and hugged me. I needed that then she brushed her lips with mine it wasn't a long kiss but it helped. After that my life was perfect.... for awhile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2015 ⏰

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