The Emperor's Castle

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As you boarded the ship you were immediately bound with ropes around your wrists and legs.

You looked back towards your friends as they got smaller smaller as you flew farther and farther away.

You turned back around to look at the ship and noticed Hunter about to put his all familiar mask on but you interrupted.

"There's no point in hiding you face, Golden Boy. I already know what you look like."
"Dont call me Golden Boy. My name is Hunter," he demanded putting his mask away

"Thats quite a fitting name for someone like you,"
"I mean, you are Belos's right hand man. He makes you run around hunting for so called "wild witches" or dare I say Criminals. Like myself. So having a name like Hunter is fitting"

Hunter looked perplexed so you continued.

"As I came over that Y/N girl called you Caleb. Why is that? She looked pretty crushed learning the truth."
"Is.... Y/N.... okay?" Hunter looked guilty while saying that
"Why do you care, you're the one that betrayed them."
"I don't care..... I'm just curious" he said looking away
"Okay.. you didn't answer my question"
"I did actually, I just didn't explain. And I won't"

You were just about to make a sparky reply when Darius suddenly spoke.

"Oh will you two shut up! Were nearly at the castle.

As the ship landed down by the bridge that led to the entrance you were grabbed up by two Coven Soldiers who started to drag you along like you weighed nothing. Hunter walked a little ways behind you in case you made an escape.

This bites I mean it is a good attempt to get contact with Raine but, coming in contact with Belos too. Who knows whats going to happen..

Actually I know exactly whats going to happen.

"Hey you're zoning out" you heard a voice say.
When you looked up you Darius standing in the place Hunter was standing there a few minutes ago

"What the- how di- when did you get there Goldie was just there."
"Hes been away for 20 minutes, if you had been paying attention you would know" you growled at his comment
"What do you want?"
"I want you to answer a question.... Truthfully"
"Can't promise that, but go ahead."

You thought about what Darius would ask, about how to get to The Forbidden Forest, where to find it, why you've been helping other wild witches.

But he asked was the last thing you expected.

"Why do you oppose The Day of Unity?"
You thought for a moment and decided to give him the truth.
"Because this Day of Unity junk seems a bit suspicious. For all we know The Day of Unity could kill us and do you think Belos would care? He isn't the nicest person out here."

Darius seemed to be pondering about what you just told him. You spoke once again.

"Do you really trust him, Darius?"
"Thats enough, you answered my question and thats all I need" Darius walked upfront leaving you to question Darius's loyalty.

As you got closer to the throne room, it was quiet, all you heard was the clicking of shoes on the hard smooth floor and the ever-growing sound of a heartbeat. Probably your own.

You were stopped just outside the doors. Hunter opened the doors just a bit to slip inside. What you heard through the doors shocked you, it sounded like things were being thrown and there was a banging sound like a head against the wall banging.

Soon enough Hunter came back, his hair was messy and look distressed he opened the doors to let you inside.

The soldiers grasping your arms walked you in and forcefully sat you down before Belos. You looked up at his disgusting face with anger flashing in your eye.

"Ah, the infamous Wolf Lady, Te wild witch of The Forbidden Forest, apprentice of The Scarlet Judge."
"Glad I left a first impression"
"I'll keep this brief, where can I find The Forbidde Forest?" Belos got too close for your liking
"Tough luck, cause I'm not telling you squat"

I swear if this mask wasn't on I would have spit on your dumbass looking face

"Put them in our most secured and separated cell. We'll petrify The Wolf Lady in a week. The Day of Unity must go perfect." He snapped his fingers and you were dragged off once again.

But right before you were dragged out you heard Belos say

"Perhaps, we can ask the very person whos been protecting them. I'll find Eiran whether they tell me where The Forbidde forest is or not."

A/N sorry again for the late chapter been so busy with pre-season for soccer that didn't have that much time to work on it.

Savior (Golden Guard x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang