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Synopsis: Banana finds and installs a Yandere Mod into the group's Among Us game to spice things up a little, but unfortunately, it means some couples are gonna get poked at. Basically a replacement plot for "Among Us But Impostor Has A Crush on Crewmate."

Author's Note: This story was heavily inspired by "YANDERE Impostor Role in Among Us" by GameToons Gaming. The link to the video can be found by scrolling to the bottom of this page and clicking on the "External Link" button as shown in the image below.

Also, author-chan (me) admits that this prompt was developed because she could not accept the weirdness of Banana being in love in Sandy when she first saw "Among Us But Impostor Has A Crush on Crewmate

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Also, author-chan (me) admits that this prompt was developed because she could not accept the weirdness of Banana being in love in Sandy when she first saw "Among Us But Impostor Has A Crush on Crewmate." I would like to apologize for that cringe behavior. Who frickin' cares?! It's just stupid, silly plot... there ain't nothin' that's deep about it. Hopefully, this story makes up for that. I had a lot of fun writing it~


Banana grinned widely once he saw the last of the assets download into the tablet. "Yes!" he whispered excitedly, checking the game files to make sure everything was in place before running over to the computer. He placed the tablet next to the laptop on the crate and pulled out a USB cable, plugging it in so that the two devices could connect. Soon, the words "YANDERE IMPOSTOR ROLE - TRANSFER COMPLETE" moved across the screen in big, white, letters. He made sure that the modifications were properly in place one last time before unplugging the USB and setting the tablet aside.

The other members of the crew watched him, curious. Banana had been speaking about playing with an Among Us mod for weeks now, promising that he'll find something good for them to try. Inspired by a variety of gameplay footage on the internet, the blond had wasted no time in installing a few mods into the Among Us app for a demo, testing the many roles and abilities to determine if it'd be interesting enough for him and his friends. Said blond turned around to face his companions, an excited spark in his eyes. "Guys!" he said, grinning widely. "We're almost there! Just one step away from playing an Among Us mod for the first time! Aren't you guys excited??"

Poop raised a questioning eyebrow. "Yes," he said, having been the one to hear about this upcoming mod the most out of everyone else. Banana had been quite passionate about sharing his findings with someone, and apparently he decided that Poop would be the primary hype receiver.

Banana scrambled over to the seats, grabbing the attention of the people that weren't already looking at him. "Okay, guys!" he exclaimed, dashing back to the computer to remind himself of the mod's abilities. "The mod we're playing today is called the Yandere Impostor Role!"

Your Mom's eyebrows shot up her face. "Yandere?" she exclaimed.

Banana nodded eagerly. "Yeah! Of course, you shouldn't be one in real life, but it's okay here because it's just pretend. Go crazy over your lover senpai~! And how is this done, you may ask? Simple!"

"There are three ways to go about protecting your senpai. The first way is through a long-range knife attack, where you take out your yandere knife and use it to kill. Secondly, you have the ability to stalk, where you hide in the bushes so you can keep a close eye on your senpai, or use it to watch the others without them knowing. Keep in mind that only you will be able to see the bushes concealing you... your victims won't have a clue you're there!"

Banana wasn't sure why everyone looked so dumbfounded, but decided that it was probably because they couldn't believe how amazing this mod sounded!

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